@amitso well yes and no, if you want to do everything then sure but that’ll be a crazy life, idk anybody who can play guitar, drums, sing, write, piano, bass, produce+ so so much more. You have to focus on one thing first and it should be whatever you love. I’m not saying in this next bit not to learn music theory so many great people have and the very deep producers right now like Jon Batiste and Jacob Collier def have a good understanding on that and it’d be hard to work in a studio with people like that without understanding that. But ultimately there’s so many people who never learned music theory who excelled in it, they just have visions and wanted to bring them to life. Jon didn’t even know how to write or read music sheets, he used a converter for his all time low tattoo, he nor Kanye nor so so so many great producers did anything but try to bring a vision to life. I would just start man, stop planning how you’re gonna start, gotta fall to figure out how to walk.