I think we all need that clean acoustic version

Favorite Song JB Has Cooked for Someone Else?I'd have to say ghost but I also love that he co-wrote vulnerable for Selena Gomez
new album artwork@katielhagen oh, 100% agreed
new album artworkHis images updated on instagram, Spotify and Apple Music 🤩
Come to ARIZONAPleeeeeeeaase!!!! I missed the last show and I have regretted it for so many years
Help me 🤧Taking me back to the good old days for sure
WOOOHOOOOJust feel blessed to be here lol
WOOOHOOOO@marcybudger77 oh good call, yes pleaseeeee
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@flyinglotus meant to live cover is so good
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@dariaazab I 100% agree with you. 'I guess if I knew tomorrow I guess I wouldn't need faith' always hits so hard in the best way
This is BM social media@User12261990
Appreciate you and your beautiful mind.
Praying for you and your family and hope God has blessed you over all these years. We missed you but the real fans get it. God bless -
Jon Bellion & FaithMaybe I don't know has put me in my place more times than I can explain. But in the best way lol. Maybe that's okay