let’s do this, i’m sooooo hyped for new music

Where are u from? -
NEW DOCUMENTARYGSP documentary literally opened up my world to the music industry and i decided to pursue audio engineering (and subsequently music and sound design) as a career because of it. i love music so much but as soon i learned there was a music technology side to things, i fell in LOVE
Lawrenceabsolutely fell in love with Lawrence when i saw them open for Jon, 1000% agree on more collabs with them
Where is everyone from? -
Seattle/PNW peepshe's been to seattle in the past! i certainly hope he doesn't skip over us but i don't see why he would, he got a really good crowd at WaMu in 2019
GSP Tour 2019 <3just wanted to pop on here and share my favorite photo from the Seattle show of the Glory Sound Prep tour on July 16, 2019. i was 15 at the time and in a pretty bad state mentally but this concert is still so fresh in my mind and the memories i made from it helped me SO much through tough times since then. i adore Glory Sound Prep to the stars and back and i hope its just as special to you as it is to me. thanks jon<3 you're why i do what i do