@catkeleghan we might have to go around a couple more times

Aidan Nelson
My theory: unhinged and starving version -
My theory: unhinged and starving versionsingle today... do you not remember who we are dealing with?
New York Soul Pt. II OR Adult Swimim swimming
Twitter Headerheres a couple headers i made for your twitter with the forum layout and the kid again layout. thought id throw them here.
thanks mom...in 2017 my mom didn't let me see Jon at Summerfest because the show was "too late", i was so mad and I have held that over her head for like years... so I am stoked about how back we are. Can't wait to see whats next, including taking her to the first show back
A Bon Iver feature would be absolutely insane, almost a dream, I believe Jon is a Vernon fani second this
What artists collaboration with Jon bellion would be sick?Anderson .Paak
My dad.sorry for your loss man, what a wonderful story
JON PLEASE I NEED TO KNOWthe people are begging for an answer
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALSlets go man. this is sick.