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Lifestyle question for young artists
I assume there are a lot of people like me here. young talented music artists who are trying to figure out regular life on top of their art. I knowwww u got experience with the bad side of the music industry and that's the sort of tornado a lot of us are headed for trying to get our music out there. the 6% cuts, the venues taking advantage, and generally a world that doesn't care for us and only wants to siphon money and brands out of us. Ive felt taken advantage of already and I've barely started.. So there's a dilemma some of us face where we want the world to hear us, but the only way is through selling ourselves to labels and all that. You've come out the other side of it free.
I'm also a Christian and want to live my life for Him. I want to stay close to my family and watch my nephews and sisters grow up. I know my talent could take me places bro, you know that feeling.
But is it worth it?
Should we get that carpentry job and support our lives with that degree ? Should we go for that physical therapy degree our parents would be proud of us for ?
I know you can't speak for all of us on all this deep stuff, ion wanna put too much pressure but i would trust whatever guidance you have to offer. Thank you brother peace n love !
You won’t know till you experience the leap.