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Where's all my fantasy book friends at?
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Blood and bloody ashes, where are all my fantasy nerds at? What are your favorite books/series? I'm doing a read through of some of the "classics" now but I'm always looking for more books to add to the list!
Right now, my top three series are: Wheel of Time, A Song of Ice and Fire and the Powder Mage trilogy. Just finished up Cosmere and Narnia. I'm currently working through Middle Earth, then I plan on tearing into Suneater.
Huge fantasy nerd. Some of my faves:
- The Dark Tower : Stephen King
- All of the Cosmere books : Brandon Sanderson (although I did NOT like Wind & Truth, maybe a topic for a separate thread!)
- The Lord of the Rings : JRRT
- The Magicians : Lev Grossman
- The Broken Earth : NK Jemison
And these WILL be favorites if their authors ever finish them. Not if they don't.
- The Gentleman Bastards : Scott Lynch
- The Kingkiller Chronicle : Patrick Rothfuss
- A Song of Ice and Fire : GRRM
// made myself homesick just staring at the stars //
here ! starting LOTR 2nite, been into narnia and percy aswell