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I love this community
I’ve been scrolling through this forum for a while now and I cannot believe how many people there are who share my love for Jon’s music. The only person in my life who likes Jon Bellion besides me is my brother who showed me his music, I’ve been hooked since I first heard Dead Man Walking. Jon’s music means so much to me, it’s gotten me through some pretty rough times in my life, especially recently, and his music has always been very personal to me because I have almost no one to share my appreciation with, so seeing hundreds of you here who are just as passionate even after these six long years is genuinely making me tear up. Im am so happy to have found a community that cares so much as me.
And to Jon if you read this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for everything, you’ve meant the world to me ever since I’ve discovered you. You’ve inspired me to be the person I am today, your songs are like life lessons that I can come back to in times of need, you mean so much to so many people, I’m so happy for you that you finally have the freedom to do what makes you happy, we’re all so happy you’re back.