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Anyone else love the lyrics that point to Christ from JB? It’s so cool to me how this his music is a part of my testimony! I loved hearing him talk about his walk with Christ in the podcast with George Janko
@Meganea01 I’m not religious but I like the depth. It’s more of the sentiment of the lyrics for me.
Meant to Live and KID AGAIN seemed to show a more spiritually refined/ Christian side of him-! I pray he keeps drinking that water of truth!
I feel the YAH back in Control!
I feel the YAH back in my Soul! -
Anyone else love the lyrics that point to Christ from JB? It’s so cool to me how this his music is a part of my testimony! I loved hearing him talk about his walk with Christ in the podcast with George Janko
@Meganea01 Yep! I feel such a resonance with his music because I know he is coming from a worldview grounded in Jesus.
// made myself homesick just staring at the stars //
Truly! I love the Christian symbolism often weaved into Jon’s music, but Christ is alive & real & I would love to hear more rich spiritual fruit in this regard with Jon’s talent.
@Meganea01 I’m not religious but I like the depth. It’s more of the sentiment of the lyrics for me.
@hannahitch Glad others feel that way! I don't really follow Christianity either but but sentiment behind Jon's lyrics still really resonate with me.
I keep posting about this but yeah, from last album being glory sound prep, to tons of references throughout his entire discography, but most recently meant to live, young gun, kid again, worship, raindance are all made FOR GOD and it’s CLEAR
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby