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What Jon Bellion lyric hit you the hardest?
For me its in the background of 'Lets Begin' you can hear him say "light travels at a rate of 186 thousand miles per second...then what's the speed of darkness". I remember having to repeat the line over and over, it just made me think. Plus the beat kicking in after is heavenly.
If you're wondering what the time in the song it is, its 3:34. It's engraved in my mind man and I love it.@TheoZ OH my god --- i never heard that before, but I just listened & now I won't unhear it!!! 🥹 thank you for sharing that!!!
Lyrically I’ve been a wreck writing most of this coming album, in sick way I’m excited for people to get wrecked hahahaha
What Jon Bellion lyric hit you the hardest? – His lyrics are packed with meaning—I honestly just want to hear which ones hit people right in the soul, or are your fav, or have made you cry, etc.
Edit: one that makes me smile is "YOU NEED TO GET THAT BAG OUT MY FACE giggles GOD MADE ME A FULL BLOWN GENIUS WTF I NEED COKE FOR"@hannahbananaram SO many but I love “I thought my way to greatness, I could claim this, but He gave me the brain”
For me its in the background of 'Lets Begin' you can hear him say "light travels at a rate of 186 thousand miles per second...then what's the speed of darkness". I remember having to repeat the line over and over, it just made me think. Plus the beat kicking in after is heavenly.
If you're wondering what the time in the song it is, its 3:34. It's engraved in my mind man and I love it.@TheoZ that’s the RZA saying that !!!
@TheoZ OH my god --- i never heard that before, but I just listened & now I won't unhear it!!! 🥹 thank you for sharing that!!!
@hannahbananaram so glad you heard it. It seems subtle and I play it for so many friends but they never hear it I have to point it out, which is insane cause the passion in his voice hooks my attention each time then when you think about the meaning. All I can say is damn.
Lyrically I’ve been a wreck writing most of this coming album, in sick way I’m excited for people to get wrecked hahahaha
@User12261990 listened to hand of god yesterday and my fiancé said “that’s so loud I can feel it in my seat”. I HAVE to listen to them that loud because your songs are felt in my soul. Can’t wait to get wrecked
Lyrically I’ve been a wreck writing most of this coming album, in sick way I’m excited for people to get wrecked hahahaha
@User12261990 Thanks for the heads up! i'll be sure to listen all alone for the first go around!
Lyrically I’ve been a wreck writing most of this coming album, in sick way I’m excited for people to get wrecked hahahaha
@User12261990 bahahahaha. Okay I'll have 8000 tissues ready. (also hi, ily!!!!)
@TheoZ that’s the RZA saying that !!!
@User12261990 Damn thank you for correcting me, the passion is insane in all the artist on those records and thank you for coming back brother we missed you, this time round i'm gonna make it to the concert, hopefully I get to see Jim Morrison live (Please
All of human (especially the acoustic version) - the irrational but so relatable contrast between all of the lines. My Spotify playtime of that song alone must be in the hundreds of hours
I always found in interesting on New York Soul - Pt 2 when Jon mentioned "I had a conversation with an angel, she told me I'd cheat death if I stayed away from the party life" I always wondered if it was a something real he went through.
Jon if you're reading this. HI -
Last night I woke the… Nah just kidding haha. It would have to be “what if who I hoped to be was always me, and the love I fought to feel was always free” love how it points to Jesus honestly. I always thought Luxury went “I give it up to heaven cause it is in John”, as in the book in the bible, turns out it is “it isn’t Jon” haha. That’s when you remember Chris Martin talking about “it doesn’t matter” the lyrics can be what you want ‘em to be.
@viccomusic on IG
I make songs in the spirit of JB (Jon Bellion)
Stream ‘Homesick’ by Vicco on streaming:
type “homesick vicco” blue cover ! -
"why has life become a plan to put some money in my hands when the love I really need is stupid cheap"
In my opinion the GREATEST lyric of all time! -
All we wanna know is where the stars came from, but do we ever stop to watch them shine? Or are we staring with ungrateful eyes? Among others...
Such a hopeful Eve, but Adam let you down is a BAR
The entire third verse of New York Soul Pt. ii gets me fired up -
Recently... "I've been trying to keep up with all of these great expectations so I keep on faking. We're secretly out of control, nobody knows it... and everyone knows"
Gotta keep reminding myself that we're all fakin it til we make it out here and my imposter syndrome needs to chill out lol
As has been said multiple times all his lyrics hit hard for me it depends entirely on the mood I’m in.
One of the first lyrics that came to mind is from iRobot “I was a human breathing and thinking eating and drink philosophizing I was a human before you killed and ripped my heart out I knew what love was now when they ask me I just reply slow and allowing like an iPhone I do not know love I am a robot” I’m just now realizing I typed the opening to that song lol.
But I work in a high school and the attachment kids have to their devices is almost criminal. It’s nearly imposible for them to spend time without being connected to the internet and it’s heartbreaking. What hurts even more is I see it in my nephews. Especially as they are reaching the double digits they can’t fathom a world without technology. A world that is actually right in front of them/us if we would just take the time to connect to it. Which is ironic considering I’ve spent the last hour reading through this forum
not a jon lyric but the keyz lyric "i be yelling at the birds i am flyer than you" in smooth movin cracks me tf up
not a jon lyric but the keyz lyric "i be yelling at the birds i am flyer than you" in smooth movin cracks me tf up
@mernthefern SMOOTH MOVIN a hidden gem
from human: “if my location’s never unknown, tell me why i still feel lost”
like, jon, this was uncalled for -
"I haven't even picked out my socks. How could I tell you 'bout my future?" Hits me every time