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- How have some of Jons songs encouraged you?
How have some of Jons songs encouraged you?
Here are some of mine!
Hand of GOD - This song has helped me in times of no motivation. When I thought I wouldn’t graduate or have control over anxiety, the Hand of A Loving GOD was there to guide me
Eyes to The Sky/Ungrateful Eyes - Nah cuz the hook and thumping beats to these songs had me realizing our true riches ARE in the heavens and NOT of the temporary things of this world! Let us be humbled!
Jim Morrison - Aaand this song had me imagining I was sitting next to Bellion, standing up for the natural talents and going against the school education regime. This song low-key encouraged me to graduate- While some people will tell you you’re nothing, don’t forget the grace that may be upon you through The Hand of GOD !
Luxury - The song explains itself! Too many artists and creators lose themselves to money, drugs snd explicit things. It’s saddening and overall dampens the spirit within our flesh. As if like a fruit, it will eventually rotten over time, possibly infecting the surrounding fruits in the process..! Be careful WHAT and WHO you surround yourself with while achieving goals!
Stupid Deep - Yall this song is stupid deep, the lyrics too explain themselves. It takes a courageous strength to know your self worth and self love to bravely express that to others who struggle or refuse to show it back. Just keep being you! Share the love for/of Jesus that too, is Stupid Deep!
Meant to Live - We all were meant for much more than this! And what this world/government has to offer is nothing but ashes and dust compared to what GOD has to offer! This song became a rhythmic reminder to me that GOD controls everything and the evil one always has a trick up his sleeve to throw you off your course. Armour up! Ephesians 6:12
KID AGAIN - A child-like faith! This song, if not thought of in the wrong context as many would with the worlds music, is like that of a lost lamb regaining a faith in its shepherd! Take back your light! Embrace it and face the fears whilst also encouraging others to walk into the Faith!
And with that, these are some of my thoughts upon listening to these songs and following Bellions journey! But that’s definitely not all!
I pray the faith of Jesus be with you all, GOD Bless!
JOHN 3:16I feel the YAH back in Control!
I feel the YAH back in my Soul! -
I remember walking to work at 6am in the morning on a rare sunny day in Ireland heading towards my shitty McDonalds job when I was 18, listening to Eyes to the Sky.. just crazy to think that that was 10 years ago, and now I'm 28 with a career in Graphic Design that I absolutely never foresaw! Every time I listen to EttS now, I think of that time and how little I knew of what was to come, and it just fills me with immense pride and drives me forward 🩷
I remember walking to work at 6am in the morning on a rare sunny day in Ireland heading towards my shitty McDonalds job when I was 18, listening to Eyes to the Sky.. just crazy to think that that was 10 years ago, and now I'm 28 with a career in Graphic Design that I absolutely never foresaw! Every time I listen to EttS now, I think of that time and how little I knew of what was to come, and it just fills me with immense pride and drives me forward 🩷
You my friend, kept your “Eyes to the Sky”!
Jons music will definitely hit a heartstring as we grow and mature( NYS tugs at mine), at times reminding us of those roadblocks we have faced that have now strengthened and encouraged us of those personal journeys/testimonies!
You are proof of an amazing Hand of GOD moment!
Keep going, I pray your career flourishes! GOD bless!I feel the YAH back in Control!
I feel the YAH back in my Soul!