Do you guys remember when Jon toured with 21 Pilots? He opened for them on their tour in 2017. I remember seeing videos of the tour and Josh and Tyler were playing football backstage with their team and there was Jon catching the football. I was like "Aint no way!" But yeah that happened.
What do you guys think about a collab with Jon and 21 Pilots?? I would literally die.
Jefferson Murdock
i became a fan while jon was touring with top!! i was a big fan of top through their blurryface era, but haven’t listened since … i bet a collab would be what got me back into them
@maecy That's amazing. You gotta listen to their new album CLANCY it's actually a masterpiece fr.
Jefferson Murdock
I remember going to twenty one pilots tour that year, but being way more excited for Jon than them
Don’t get me wrong I loved TOP, but it was so great to see Jon again. Also, funny because nobody in the pit knew his songs except my bro & I
I remember going to twenty one pilots tour that year, but being way more excited for Jon than them
Don’t get me wrong I loved TOP, but it was so great to see Jon again. Also, funny because nobody in the pit knew his songs except my bro & I
Man that is just so cool! 2 of my favourite artists in one show?! I believe i saw once a picture of them together. That got me hyped haha imagine seeing that show i would be even more hyped!!!!
JellyBean from space
One of my core memories has always been Jon, tøp, and Judah &TL covering "No Diggity" together on that tour. Goosebumps just thinking of it