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hiya! what's your best snake score?!
Like 58
i figured im so bad at it ill give someone else a chance at the high score
just hit 20, my best so far. i tried doing it on my phone with the first forum and it was not working, pretty pleased with 20 for not having played snake since i had a nokia lol
Snakes are cool.
pythons can’t see for shit though. They use other senses to find prey besides their eyes. They got openings called pit holes in front of their eyes. These can sense the heat given off by warm blooded prey. It’s like heat vision! They just follow the heat trail and attack their prey. Uber cool-BoehSpam
There's somebody that hit a super high one, I'm at 60 rn, but there's some that have hit in the multiple hundreds LOL
JB Enjoyer since 2017
Cause I had a fire, passion and desire
Now all I require are circuits and wires
Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion
Then you cut me open... -
I got 99 but I’ll try to get a better score later today
We should be specifying whether they are mobile or pc high scores
@User12261990 How much time do we have before you stop considering new high scores?
just hit 20, my best so far. i tried doing it on my phone with the first forum and it was not working, pretty pleased with 20 for not having played snake since i had a nokia lol
yall are putting me to shame omg hahaha to be fair it was my first run through on pc. mobile is hard af, half the time i hit a direction and nothing happens lolol
Y’all some animals for these scores lmao wut
I got 99 but I’ll try to get a better score later today
@AverageJoe457 if it matters I did this on mobile lol
@AverageJoe457 if it matters I did this on mobile lol
Y’all some animals for these scores lmao wut
@User12261990 What is your highscore?
@AverageJoe457 if it matters I did this on mobile lol
@AverageJoe457 bruv whuh?! how?!
@small1219 that's amazing! well done!! did you know you were so good at snake?!
@small1219 that's amazing! well done!! did you know you were so good at snake?!
@frenchtoast Hahah i think its just that i've spent a considerable amount of time today playing the game