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- Glad You're Back &Thank you Jon
Glad You're Back &Thank you Jon
I’m so happy you’re back. Like man, I cried happy tears when the Kid Again video loop played, I looked crazy at the bday party but I don't care. It’s been a privilege to witness your creativity, growth & strength, I've been hooked since 2014 when I saw Simple and Sweet MV. I’d ask how you come out with a banger every time, but I already know. It’s cause you’re genuine, talented, kind, a million other things, it's cause you don’t back down. You’re a visionary who could be in his own league, but you choose to open up to trust your friends/family & create art together.
I want to say thank you Jon. You’ve gotten me through bad times. So thank you for not only sharing your art but your passion & soul. You shine a light in the darkness. It's impossible to count how many you’ve helped, but I know that list will keep growing.
Can’t wait to see what comes next, I already know it’s going to be beautiful, and this time I’m finally making it to a show.
A fan who also has the attention span of a child or a fly -
Also, @User12261990 can we please get Cove City Live, I'm begging man.
Also, @User12261990 can we please get Cove City Live, I'm begging man.