Remember all of it like it was yesterday… first ever interaction with Jon was at the Gothic theatre in Denver, CO. I was 16 and it was the first concert I’d ever been to. My dad was a drummer back in the day and knew that the crew would be hanging out behind the theater while everyone else was waiting in line. He ended up playing basketball with them and Jon came out a little later. Star struck and embarrassed for just standing nearby while he was talking to another fan, we started to walk away and then Jon said “Wait, hold on a second, I want to talk to you.” Like wow, that just… wow. No words, just admiration. What I would do to see him live again someday and to meet him once again. Then he remembered me my second time around when we took pictures on the 2nd THC tour! Jon, if you’re reading this, your music helped me through the hardest times in my life and I have nothing but gratitude for you. Thank you!
Yes! He kept adding more legs and I was like THANK GOD!
The island is long but life is short in this town
Yes! He kept adding more legs and I was like THANK GOD!