Yes!!! Come back to Jones Beach! Honestly anywhere on LI
Please tour. I was supposed to see you in Cleveland for my birthday 7/2019 and missed the concert crying over some lame dude and then you never toured again. My best friend still brings it up to this day soooo please come anywhere near Rochester or Buffalo NY
Yes!!! Come back to Jones Beach! Honestly anywhere on LI
If he does do a tour and does VIP he should have us all sit on the floor in a circle and do an off mic acoustic set!
The island is long but life is short in this town
TEXAS MISSES YOU!!! I would buy VIP tickets so fast
I would pass away and spend any money i needed to see him live again
come to st. louis! i promised my boyfriend 5 years ago that id get him tickets if you ever came back to stl!
New Jersey man!!! I’ll bring you a taylor ham egg and cheese lol
NEED HIM TO COME TO RICHMOND VA last time came years ago i couldn’t go and he hasn’t been on tour since.. i’d drop anything to buy VIP