Jon, if you ever read this…
Back in the summer of 2016, I was lying on my parents’ deck, soaking up the sun, looking for new music—something different from what was being pushed everywhere. I searched “underrated artists” on Spotify and found a random playlist. I started skimming through songs, giving each one about 10–20 seconds to see if anything caught my ear.Then, All Time Low started playing. Four seconds in, I was instantly obsessed. I was like.. Who is this Jon Bellion dude???
From that moment on, I went down the rabbit hole—listening to everything of his I could find on Spotify, then heading over to YouTube. That’s where I fell in love with his creative process videos, seeing how he built your songs from the ground up. Been a huge fan ever since. Got my sisters hooked too, and every time you’ve come to Minnesota, we’ve made sure to be there.
My brother and I used to work together and he would listen to Jon on the way there and home. Now it’s something we bond over and our younger sister and 9 year brother are now just as obsessed with his music.
i know i heard beautiful now with zedd but when i first started listening was woke the fuck up. and then i followed him on twitter immedately and he had JUST posted a free download of "the human condition" and that was it. hooked ever since. i went back and listend to all his other stuff and there we were!
When I was a teenager I was browsing Spotify and found Maybe IDK. The lyrics and style were so real and unique, haven't stopped listening since then.
FaZe Clan back in the days. Still here
I first heard All Time Low on the radio in 2017 but I didn’t have a phone then. So I couldn’t find out who the artist was. In 2020, I had my playlist on shuffle and Dead Man Walking started playing. That’s when I knew I was going to stick with this Jon dude for life
When I was a teenager I was browsing Spotify and found Maybe IDK. The lyrics and style were so real and unique, haven't stopped listening since then.
@mollyrweber said in How Did Yall Discover Jon?:
When I was a teenager I was browsing Spotify and found Maybe IDK. The lyrics and style were so real and unique, haven't stopped listening since then.
Jon is a master piece I am just so used to his work now I literally hear him in songs he writes for people like trumpet for Jason Derulo the moment it came on I said to to my bro nahhh I see Jason Derulo Singing But I hear Jon bellion only to look it up and see he wrote it amazing brilliant
In 2016 I was at a summer camp on the way to a caving trip when a camp councilor played All Time Low. We didn't have access to phones, so I kept repeating the Chorus in my head until I could get home and look it up. The rest is history
FaZe Clan, watching their vlogs and montages with Jon’s music. Then I got lucky and saw him twice in concert!
In 2016 I was at a summer camp on the way to a caving trip when a camp councilor played All Time Low. We didn't have access to phones, so I kept repeating the Chorus in my head until I could get home and look it up. The rest is history
@LostCause omg haha me love that! I also discovered him in 2016 because of the song all time low. I found it on a ringtone app haha and i couldn’t stop listening.
JellyBean from space
Was on a church youth retreat when all time low came on my Spotify shuffle. I think it was around the time human condition came out, but that whole week I listened to it on repeat and slowly discovered more of his music afterwards. Lots of great memories attached to most of his music. Will forever be a fan
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 10 years and back in 2016 he told me an artist he likes and his name was Jon Bellion. So I started listening to Jon’s music and instantly fell in love. The only concerts my boyfriend has been to have been Jon’s and we have attended two of them together and they are best memories ever. Definitely plan on having Jon’s music played at our wedding and most likely one will be our first dance
It was 2012/2013; around the time I really started listening to Logic. I came across the music video for 'The Wonder Years' and the rest is history. From that moment on, I made sure to stay up-to-date on everything he dropped. About 6 years later, I finally got the chance to see him in concert with a few buddies of mine. We were so close to the stage and I'll remember it for the rest of my life.
My lil cuz was my best friend in the whole world growing up he had an accident while cycling and did not make it his parents sent his things to me and I saw his phone screen cracked and all his Spotify was minimized and the last song he was hearing was mahs joint and I just continued it not knowing Jon bellion then and the lyrics just made me cry till I fell asleep and then I woke up and since then I just couldn't get enough of the man I'm glad that was one of the last things my cuz had to hear
I heard all time low on the radiooo at first and then Jon happened to be doing thc tour part iii a couple months later and my sister and I went to that and it was soooo amazing. THC is my all time favorite album, as I was going though the most pivotal years of my life, that album helped me in so many ways. I've met some amazing people through this fanbase as well! Sooo grateful to support Jon throughout the years!!
My older cousin was struggling in life so he came to live with us and got a job working as the librarian at my school. He started driving me to school every morning and on the way there he would play me some of his favorite songs. One day he showed me "Hand of God" and I was blown away. Couldn't stop thinking about it. So I downloaded the song onto my little school computer and listened to it over and over again. It wasn't long before I was hooked on his entire discography. Anyways, that's my Jon Bellion love story, hope you enjoyed it haha.
Jefferson Murdock