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It’s crazy to think
When I first started listening to Jon I was in 8th grade. Now I am about to graduate college and I still have him be my #1 artist every year.
I was a kid who only really listened to big hits of whatever my ma played in her car on her way to drop me off at school.
Low and behold one day on the way to the dentist I hear an absolute banger over the radio. I only recall a Low in the title before I had to leave. That night I went scraping through YouTube trying to find that song. Took me a minute but once I found it, it never stopped being played.
Jon Bellion? Never heard of him. Let’s dive into his discography.
I was never the same again.
Never before had I found such an artist that put so much of themselves into their work. I found connection in every lyric.
Now here I am. Still having an artist who hasn’t made anything in half a decade as his number one artist.
Now I’m typing on a makeshift MySpace page talking about myself fangirlAnyways when did y’all first find Jon?
High school of course, it's crazy how listening to this songs brings me back there BUT also relates to where I am now. Music keeps evolving 8 years later. Makes me have happy tears but also throw up thinking about those days lol
Dude same, was in middle school shooting trickshotts, now married for 5 years have a kid of 1 year and making beats of my own, Jon’s inspiration has been immeasurable in all of it. So amazing what’s his music has done, and now here we all are in one place, beautiful mind mind mind
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby