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God and creating
I’d be curious to know how people’s faith influences their creativity! Share some photos or fun stories, would love to see.
If it wasn't for God I wouldn't have the desires/motivation to do what I do now. I feel like when times get tough, creativity can get brighter and same goes with going to God. Although it can be really easy to go to God during the lows and the highs I think it is interesting to tap into him when life is just 'going'. During the everyday, boring times. So overall I think going to God keeps a balance and a constant through my
creative hobbies. Personally I am big into photos but creativity can go all over the place! -
I absolutely love this question. My faith has always been interwoven with my creativity because I feel like it’s my gifting from God. I love to process what I’ve experienced in life through drawing and painting. And I really enjoying listening to music, looking at art, and reading things that inspire me further. But I would say that it’s not a sanitized or safe “church” art. It’s wrestling with my inner demons, processing the loss of a sibling, walking a fine line between the spiritual and the here and now- and since becoming a mom, the struggling of fiercely wanting to protect but knowing that I’m going to have to someday let go. It’s woven through everything and to not create would be to betray who I am at my core. Typed I realized that sounds super intense but for me, it’s so fundamental.
One of my older drawings- back from before life was busy. Working to get back to a more consistent time for drawing and dreaming.
Simple answer: It's everything to me, therefore it's everything I create. Never has to be perfect, just done with heart and intent to worship.
If there's a community or genre of anything, it's good to get behind those who are in it to glorify, and learn all you can from them! The whole world is our audience, but it isn't our source, right? Influences and varied tastes are good, but they change time and time again.
Dust off the good book, get you some sweet spiritual food, and stay motivated, bruv!As for me, I'm big into illustration, writing, hobby music production, analog videography, etc.
I'll for sure share some here if it's in a concrete finished state haha