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What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?
New album goana screw up y’all’s lists bwa ha ha ha ha
@User12261990 already cried to Kid again, so I know this next one is gonna blow my mind and soul. Can’t wait.
New album goana screw up y’all’s lists bwa ha ha ha ha
@User12261990 if you absolutely had to choose, which number song on the new album (if you've gotten that far) would you have to say is your favorite?
it changes constantly but right now its Morning in America
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind said in What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?:
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
Human. I don’t know how to explain it but before that song I never heard or paid attention to a song that was about spirituality the way Jon did it. In that moment in My life I thought I was the only one questioning why I couldnt receive salvation( that’s what I got out of “Human”). It’s hard to put words to what that song did for me. I don’t think I have the language for it but it changed my life. Thank you Jesus for Jon Bellion️
I would say Human, mainly because I can relate to that sense of always thinking I'm not living the way I'm supposed to or feeling lost, since I was younger at the time, it really stuck with me as well because I was battling a lot of negative emotions so hearing Human at the time I did helped me become more mindful of my thoughts. Though, some hm include Carry Your Throne, Luxury, Guillotine, Simple and Sweet, and Munny Right.
I feel that Mah's Joint is just the best song i've ever listened of Jon. The deep lyrics, the ambience of the start makes me shiver ong, the video is just the live interpretation of it. This is like the prelude to this next album that includes family themes (or at least what i've heard of).
At the middle of the song, it's like a party saying me: "Go on!, there's still a lot for you to live! Enjoy this!". This is a song that honestly would break me in tears for 30 mins ngl. A great song, with a great message. -
@ajrobinson said in What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?:
I'd probably have to say "Run Wild" is my favorite song. I remember being in college and listening to the Instagram snippet for hours. And once The Definition dropped, I wore that song out in the car.
"Run Wild" is in my top 5.
@BeautifulMind Easily is. I got one for you: what's your favorite project in Jon's discography?
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind Sirens! The lyrics are amazing, and the entire song is just perfect. I’ve never been so floored by a song in my life
Conversations with my wife - live version cove city
He Is The Same, Hand of God, Kid Again. Don’t make me pick just one
Guillotine. It is such a vibe and whenever I listen to it it is one of those songs that instantly makes me happier (especially because it's Jon) and I'm always going to sing the lyrics to it.
Jefferson Murdock
My personal favor song is Woodstock, absolutely love the song but wish it was easier to get on Apple Music
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind Adult Swim."Financial plans should be handled in stealth / I fight to lead the private life for my family's health