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What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?
This album is the first album that I’ve included an acoustic version of a song as well as the produced out
@User12261990 there's that special vibe to the acoustic version. Like being fully naked, like being with that kind friend with whom you can really be yourself. I don't know if it's the same for all of you, for me it's...that.
Definitely stupid deep, it held a lot of meaning on initial release and has always stuck with me even though that meaning faded. Feels like a song that always applies, and I always liked that it was initially called “the realization” because it helped me realize that embracing who I am is important and that I don’t need anything past what I already have.
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind There are so many to choose from. I have a top 3. It would be between the unreleased 2 car garage, Couples Retreat, and Blu.
I’m gonna go with Blu because it’s a song that I can sing at the top of my lungs and it makes me happy.
Acoustic YouTube upload of Blu. The way the slight changes permeate through the song tell a story of loss that feels uplifting and helps move you through dark places with confidence.
New York Soul - pt ii hands down. If you can put that on and not react its time to stop by the otolaryngologist
I have a recording of my brother and I singing Stupid Deep, so I've always cherished that song
This album is the first album that I’ve included an acoustic version of a song as well as the produced out
@User12261990 acoustic song ohhhh I'm so excited
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind This was very difficult for me to narrow down, but I have to say New York Soul pt. ii. Just an absolutely solid song. I am, however obsessed with all the songs on Glory Sound Prep. Don't even get me started on Kid Again, man. Every Jon Bellion song I know has a special place in my heart, because the represent a feeling so deep and authentic that is always unique. As an aspiring artist, I am trying every day to improve my skills and get my voice and mental on that kind of level.
You can only pick ONE. What is it and why?
@BeautifulMind Ungrateful Eyes and Guillotine. Ungrateful eyes because of how beautiful and real the words are. I used it as my highschool quote, I always felt like I was so busy studying and caught up with things that didn’t matter I forgot to just watch the stars shine and enjoy life. That song made me remember and i stopped to breath and watch those stars and the memories I have will live forever. I love guillotine for a totally different reason, all the layers there are to that song. All of THC songs are so layered and deep with levels of musical tension and emotion and sounds. Every time I listen to it, I find a new instrument or sound I didn’t hear before and I get lost in the music.
We all know the answer to this. What’s special about Jon Bellion is there is no favourite song. Like in Kung Fu Panda how there is no secret ingredient. His artistry is more about a way of being – it’s all about being in a constant excited awe, a presence of spirit that you witness in the ‘making of’ videos, that you also feel when listening. Point being they’re all good. If I have to pick though, the greats are Wonder Years (my nieces blowing bubbles in the yaard), Stupid Deep, Hand of God, Luxury, Guillotine. I’d also add that some of the melodies on The Definition are so iconic they’re engraved in my mind! And the rapping on Adult Swim… woooph
@viccomusic on IG
I make songs in the spirit of JB (Jon Bellion)
Stream ‘Homesick’ by Vicco on streaming:
type “homesick vicco” blue cover ! -
The entire Definition album is spectacular, but Simple and Sweet has been my top song since the beginning. Lots of memories attached to that one in particular
I love Cautionary Tales, love the lyrics and the flow, Hand of God is also pretty high
Impossible to just pick one, but Conversations With My Wife has to be it for me at the moment. It's sonically revolutionary, lays the thematic and sound foundation for GSP immaculately. I've never witnessed a record introduce an album as perfectly as CWMW. The synth soundscape, the pads, the vocal production backed with harmony-engine-esque BGVs (very Bon Iver 715 CR∑∑KS), the child-like choir that I still have NO idea how Jon and the team managed to pull off, the absolutely breathtaking musical break at the end of the track which needs no further explanation. Could be the most beautiful song ever made. Jon successfully gave us a look into what music might sound like in 3000 years with this one.
Derrian W. Berry
Gotta say Morning in America. My Jon Bellion journey started with this song when I was 10 y/o in 2016.
I'd probably have to say "Run Wild" is my favorite song. I remember being in college and listening to the Instagram snippet for hours. And once The Definition dropped, I wore that song out in the car.