I was the first(second after Jon) post last time in the merch section before the remade the site. If u are wondering where u can get this vinyl they sell it on discogs and amazon. I heard that discogs is better just make sure the seller has good reviews and confirm the condition rating is what you want.
even the artwork on the songs within the album are amazing
YES DUDE! These arts are amazing and I needed them all in T-shirts! I have all the ones he released as shirts (unless I somehow missed some) but I want the whole art collection
@Asuna28 Thats actually a really cool idea
Such an amazing piece of artwork. It’s nice to know that whenever the new album is released, going by the track record of artwork we have had, we are in for something amazing.
@Levántate tell me the username comes from worship
@FlyColonel worship and walls from the Jonas brothers ft Jon
@FlyColonel worship and walls from the Jonas brothers ft Jon
@FlyColonel worship and walls from the Jonas brothers ft Jon
@Levántate let’s gooooo, get chills whenever I hear this, then he has wake up all over kid again!!!!
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby