Loved you since I heard Hand of God. It’s hard to explain but I think God really used you in bringing me to Christ. Your lyrics are absolutely next level. I cried when I heard the Meant to Live cover!
@Meganea01 I deeply resonate with this, I hope you have a beautiful day
I started listening to you in late 2020 and ofc started with THC. But it all started with morning in America instead of people’s usual all time low. After listening to the full album I immediately started looking at ur other work and found myself loving it all. After doing research (after listening to SGP) I was heart broken to see you haven’t posted any albums since. Im happy that you are back to chasing your dreams man, love ya!!
Ps, I always found it funny that you said “watch me give you sequels” and then proceeded to not for a few years -
Live in the UK so only have one tour memory sadly. But of the hundreds of shows I’ve been to, it’s always been one of the most significant to me. And ever since then I’ve been saying how much I can’t wait for you to come back. Music has been soundtracking my life for ten years now can’t wait to hear it all live again
I’ve seen JB live 4 times. But specifically, a memory was the St. Augustine FL show in 2019. Halfway through the set, someone came out and the show had to be stopped due to extreme weather. Jon had to walk off the stage and the crowd started singing All Time Low at the top of their lungs! We were all singing hoping Jon would be able to come back out, but then security came out and made us leave. It was upsetting, but also a cook memory of the crowd just vibing to JB.
I went and saw you in Salt Lake City in 2017, best performance I've ever witnessed. I still don't know how you transitioned guillotine to iRobot so well. I've been waiting so long for this. Glad you're back Jon, we've missed you.
Been a big fan of yours for years, and after your collab with Tori Kelly (my wife’s favorite artist) I decided to get meet and greet tickets to her concert in SD. Got to vibe out with her in-laws in the crowd, but never got our meet and greet picture we took. Think you can ask her what happened? Lol
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
Appreciate you and your beautiful mind.
Praying for you and your family and hope God has blessed you over all these years. We missed you but the real fans get it. God bless -
I’ve been a fan since I heard guillotine on the radio in my car. I forgot the words by the time I got home and only listened to that station until they played the song again. I pulled over and wrote down some lyrics so I could google it when I got home and have been hooked ever since. You came to play a students-only concert at PSU main campus December 2016. I didn’t go to Penn State but my best friend did. She was taking photoshop that semester and we forged a student-ID so I could get in to see you
it was one of the most incredible nights of my life. I can still vividly feel the base of the drum vibrate through my chest as I stood there in awe of your talent. Your music has been the only thing that sounds good to my soul when nothing else is hitting the right way. Thank you for all the love you put into your music! I’m beyond stoked to see what’s in store for us next!
I first got introduced to your music, formally, when the Human Condition dropped. My goodness I was obsessed... I listed to it on repeat for weeks it felt like, and that sent me through all the rest of your music. You've been my top artist on spotify for years now! I got to see you live at a show in Florida when Lawrence opened for you. That show was better than I could have imagined! I took a girl with me to that show, we weren't even dating at the time, but a few years down the road we are now happily married and absolutely in love with all the music that is coming out of Beautiful Mind! My wife has been binge listening to Tori Kelly since her last album dropped. Not to mention we made it out to the Lawrence headline show in Florida at the end of last year. It's insane how good they are!
We've made friends through your music and because of your music at different events, even when driving around town just listening to it a little too loudly. Your craft in music is something moving and changing generations, absolutely incredible to see it in action.
Love what you do, and so excited to see what you've got in store!
I was only peripherally aware of All Time Low when you opened for twenty one pilots in Providence, RI in January 2017. Fell in love and never looked back. Saw you a second time in Philly with my teenage daughter. Hoping to see you in Providence again some day!!
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
Sophomore in college when JB and BM exploded into my social sphere. There’s a “Great Books” program at the school I went to in Cali and the concept/thematic album The Human Condition fit perfectly into the curriculum. The idea of the program is to study the great books to participate in a great conversation, a conversation on - the human condition.
Like can you imagine studying these deep thinkers as they struggle through concepts of love, happiness, spirituality, self-worth, community, family, virtue etc then just jam tf out track after track to your music giving voice to the same concepts.
Anyway, time and time again this music as helped me build deep connections with people and it’s something that still tethers me to old friendships. I could go on - but thanks for putting your soul into this. Quality shit. Might be biased, but your music participates in the ‘Great Conversation’ and I’m expecting it to outlast all of us in ways we can’t imagine.
Hey Jon. Been a fan since THC. Once I heard that album, I dove deep in Definition, Separation and TTS. Your music got me through many moments of feeling alone and not being good enough. The sound of all of your songs always had me groovin’ and I always felt something behind the lyrics and behind the beat. I’m more of a person that listens to beats so the multiple listenings for your lyrics were appreciated. Your albums kept me grounded and acted as my anchor to home when I went on a military deployment in early 2018. Coming home to GSP was so fucking cool. Coming back home to new Jon Bellion music is legit the best feeling. I never got to see you live. I came home from that deployment feeling lost. Again, I used your music as my anchor to balancing myself out. I don’t know what it was. Fast forward a few years, I broke up with my at-the-time girlfriend and used all of your music and Quinn XCII’s music to keep me anchored in keeping a level head. Bringing you to now, I’m in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in and I’m still here. Me and my current girlfriend listen to you in every car ride and every time we clean the house. I guess there’s no real point to this post. I just wanted to virtually thank you for the music. Thank you for keeping me going. My girlfriend and I are looking forward to your new album and possible tour.
I’ve discovered you in 2016 with « Ooh » and then I heard the album « Human Condition » and fell in LOVE with you songs and universe. I’m also an artist and you made me continue making music !! May God bless you bro. You have seriously inspired on so many levels bro. I pray to God that I get to meet you one day in person. I have yet to see you in a live show. Maybe also God willing, we’ll get to collab haha, but that’s besides the point bro. Thank you for what you do and staying true to yourself despite the darkness of the music industry. May God bless you tenfolds to you and your family. 🫶
Haha I worked at a summer camp and a couple summers straight << OoH >> was the anthem. Like scream shout singing
My boyfriend and I started dating during the height of the pandemic in 2020. He knew you were my favorite artist, so for our first concert together he got me tickets to your virtual experience. It was such an intimate and immersive experience that both of us loved it so much and still talk about it often. It is to this day the only concert we've been to together and we've been waiting for you to come back so that we can see you live together (I saw you back in 2017 but that feels like forever ago!) You're forever my favorite artist and I can't wait to see what you do next!! So excited for what's to come
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 First song of yours I heard was All Time Low on SoundCloud in 2015/2016. Been a fan ever since. I’ll never forget listening to THC for the first time in my dorm room
@kkirby20 excited to have another go around with yall
@User12261990 Just knowing you know that our story has made our day! We never could have guessed that your music would lead to us being together!
They say we annoying, they just jealous 'cause we got love
I remember when The Human Condition dropped and my best friend and I waited all day to get together after work and just blast the new music for the first time in the tiny apartment I was living in temporarily. We went on the part 1 tour night 2 in Webster Hall. Best concert I've been to so far and I still have the OG green Beautiful Mind hat from that concert!