@jessjurak OMG!! this response moved me to tears! This is almost exactly how my story went. In 2016 I was introduced to Jons music and me and my boyfriend at the time shared the same love for him. In 2019 we had went our separate ways but still attended the GSP tour together in Houston as exes. We also never got back together but I will never stop loving Jon more and more everyday for the memories his music has given me. xoxo
@emiajfaith OMG thats literally our story but Chicago! How incredible!!
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 I cannot wait to see you live again, saw you July 10,2019. I’m grateful I got to see the musician genius live.
I was introduced to you about 10 years ago because I worked with Brian Jensen, who knows you from way back when.
The first thing I saw/heard was Jim Morrison.
I remember thinking, "Why is this guy in the forest playing air piano?"Then the beat dropped...
I'd never heard anything like it. I needed more.
Then came Simple & Sweet.
When everything falls out and it explodes into "But if things get complicated..." I don't know if I've ever been hit with more goosebumps in my entire life. LOL
Been hooked ever since.
No one else sounds like you or creates like you.
There isn't a single song of yours that I feel like I have to skip to get to the next, or that I find myself disinterested in. They all have layers and sounds and sweetening sprinkled in that just doesn't exist in anyone else's music.Thank God I met Brian.
Not sure I would have come across your music if not for him.
Listening to Jon for 10 years plus at this point. The Human Condition came out in my final year of high school and became the soundtrack to my life for quite so time.
And then in 2019 when he came to little old Brisbane, Aus I had sound check and q&a session and all that. Just to be stood in that room and listen to him speak about life and music and everything was still a time that doesn’t really feel real.
An incredible night and insane show and something that I still hold dear all these years later. Really hoping he comes back to Australia but if I have to fly to NY the fuck it I’ll be there
First song I heard was Dead Man Walking and fell in love. I could tell just from that song that this guy is a musical genius (clearly you know this if you've ever heard Hand of God). Immediately downloaded THC and Growth and kept in on repeat for years. Saw JB at the 930 club in DC for the THC tour. In college, I got my gf's (now wife's) acapella group to do Hand of God (and it blew me away). I have a tattoo for that song. Got vinyl records of TCH and GSP hanging on my wall. Saw him again at National Harbor for the GSP tour. Binged all the BTS videos on YT. I spent all of college messing around in the music studio on campus, and JB inspired me to take it seriously and now I've produced recorded and produced 1 album (released), 1 single (released) and written, recorded, and produced 2 more albums (unreleased so far). I always thought people were crazy to say that an artist they've never met changed their life, but I can honestly say that JB has changed my entire life with his music. Thank you for everything!
First song I heard was Dead Man Walking and fell in love. I could tell just from that song that this guy is a musical genius (clearly you know this if you've ever heard Hand of God). Immediately downloaded THC and Growth and kept in on repeat for years. Saw JB at the 930 club in DC for the THC tour. In college, I got my gf's (now wife's) acapella group to do Hand of God (and it blew me away). I have a tattoo for that song. Got vinyl records of TCH and GSP hanging on my wall. Saw him again at National Harbor for the GSP tour. Binged all the BTS videos on YT. I spent all of college messing around in the music studio on campus, and JB inspired me to take it seriously and now I've produced recorded and produced 1 album (released), 1 single (released) and written, recorded, and produced 2 more albums (unreleased so far). I always thought people were crazy to say that an artist they've never met changed their life, but I can honestly say that JB has changed my entire life with his music. Thank you for everything!
@cmann713 I also got to meet Gracie when they toured with the Jonas Brothers at Yankee Stadium and showed her my Hand of God tattoo. Spent the whole time trying to find out if I could see JB while was hanging out in the stands. Sadly missed him, but he killed it when they played Walls!
Love this forum so far!! So great to connect with new people.
I remember my brother showed me your song Woke the F*ck Up and after listening to that song over and over I checked out the rest of your albums and then I was completely hooked.
Your music has definitely been one of my biggest inspiration when it comes to creating my own music, so thank you for that.
Stupid Deep has actually become my favorite song ever. The lyrics hits me on such a emotional level everytime I listen to it.
Seeing you live in Oslo on the GSP tour was the best concert I've been to, and I hope to experience another live performance some day.
I'm extremely hyped for the new album, I've been playing KID AGAIN on constant repeat since it dropped.
Thanks for reminding me that I CAN DO ANYTHING@martin_def the stripped version of Woke the F*ck Up where it's just him and the piano still makes me cry to this day. Hands down the most beautiful stripped version of a song I've ever heard!
Heard you first on “Rat Race” with Andy Mineo. That led me to the Human Condition. He is the Same was the first song I heard and by the time the chorus came I was an all-in fan. Broke down in the shower the first time I heard Hand of God. I introduced a friend to your music, that friend became my wife, and we saw you in KC for the GSP tour. Can’t tell you how many hours your music has been a part of our lives. So grateful for you.
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 Man, you've been such a huge influence on me. I found you in college in 2014, right around when the Definition dropped. Before you, I didn't have a "favorite artist". I heard Jungle in my friend's car and was like "Who the fuck is this" and that was that. I saw you on the Definition Tour in Chicago, I met you via VIP on THC tour in Chicago (again) at House of Blues, and then I saw you in St. Louis. My entire view of music was shifted by your art, Jon!
The fashion of Jimi Hendrix and a box of the Bible's doctrine
The first time i listened to Jon was through Beautiful Now (Zedd). I was curious to know who the singer was and looked up all his songs. I slowly and steadily listened to Jon’s old music and current music and I don’t remember when but I found a home in his songs. My grandma got really sick from cancer, and i remember sitting on a swing at 10pm listening to Mah’s Joint almost everyday. I listened, i cried. I felt, i cried.
Hand of God always amazes me- the ability to add 4-5 songs in 1 song is genius.
IRobot, Human make me reflect on life. So does Stupid Deep, Luxury, Fashion, and Conversations with my wife.
I was listening to Thick Of It All for the first time the other day. I had no idea who it was by as it randomly started playing, but i found myself grooving to it. Then i hear a “come on” and i point to my Alexa being “wait I KNOW THAT VOICE”. Had to look up Genius to find out that, surely, it was produced by the man. I LITERALLY KNOW WHERE HE’S SINGING IN THE WHOLE THE ALBUM BY JONAS BROTHERS.
Can i be proud of that? Are you all proud of that? His music needs to be studied.
So happy this is a space where we can find each other and share our first memory of Jon’s music.
It’s so nice to meet you all here. -
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 Your music has been the light through some dark times in my life. My dad got sick in May of 2019 and I would just have your discography on loop for my 2.5 hour commute one way to go visit him several times a week. I had seen your Dallas show on June 28th and that helped me escape the reality of what was happening during that time. My dad ended up passing a few days later on July 4th. Maybe IDK and Hand of God really hit me hard during that time and will still bring tears occasionally now. All this to say you really do have an influence on how people cope with rough times. I know you really helped me when I felt the most lost.
One of my favorite memories was hearing JT live on the GSP tour.
I became a fan during Human Condition, and I think JT was the first single released after I became a fan.
I can't remember a time looking forward to music more.
So when JT was played live, and EVERY SONG had a brand new feel live...the sound was so huge...it was like a celebration of life, a celebration of the joy of music. I closed my eyes and danced and LIVED in that moment. It was special.
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 I remember my first team hearing hand of God and luxury I knew something unusually great was in this music. After becoming a Christian in 2020 I now know it was the touch of God on my soul.
@lucypedro Listening to dead man walking and lets begin screw your pops lets get ihop while sneaking out was top tier
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 first time listening to you ever was after my sister self admitted for the first time, my grandma passed away and my cousin passed away. I listened to maybe IDK probably 2000000 times it became my comfort song. your music became a background to my life as years passed. Then I went thru a divorce in 2022 and lost my family through it. Stupid Deep then became my comfort song. I finally went on a first date post divorce and we listened to my liked songs. When Stupid Deep came on my now boyfriend soul mate love of my life in every life started tearing up. The same songs got us through hard parts of life, the true invisible strings that eventually brought us together. Now we dream of going to a show live, and dancing to 2 Rocking Chairs at a future wedding
thanks for making music that connects us to ourselves & to others!
The first time i listened to Jon was through Beautiful Now (Zedd). I was curious to know who the singer was and looked up all his songs. I slowly and steadily listened to Jon’s old music and current music and I don’t remember when but I found a home in his songs. My grandma got really sick from cancer, and i remember sitting on a swing at 10pm listening to Mah’s Joint almost everyday. I listened, i cried. I felt, i cried.
Hand of God always amazes me- the ability to add 4-5 songs in 1 song is genius.
IRobot, Human make me reflect on life. So does Stupid Deep, Luxury, Fashion, and Conversations with my wife.
I was listening to Thick Of It All for the first time the other day. I had no idea who it was by as it randomly started playing, but i found myself grooving to it. Then i hear a “come on” and i point to my Alexa being “wait I KNOW THAT VOICE”. Had to look up Genius to find out that, surely, it was produced by the man. I LITERALLY KNOW WHERE HE’S SINGING IN THE WHOLE THE ALBUM BY JONAS BROTHERS.
Can i be proud of that? Are you all proud of that? His music needs to be studied.
So happy this is a space where we can find each other and share our first memory of Jon’s music.
It’s so nice to meet you all here.@Vanshikachats I love that moment when you’re like “I KNOW THAT VOICE” he’s in so much music I’m glad he’s able to make his own again.
@User12261990 Man, you've been such a huge influence on me. I found you in college in 2014, right around when the Definition dropped. Before you, I didn't have a "favorite artist". I heard Jungle in my friend's car and was like "Who the fuck is this" and that was that. I saw you on the Definition Tour in Chicago, I met you via VIP on THC tour in Chicago (again) at House of Blues, and then I saw you in St. Louis. My entire view of music was shifted by your art, Jon!
Wow my experience was similar first song I ever heard was jungle in about the same time and I was sold, he instantly became my first favourite artist especially when I realised that some of my favorite songs were something he had a part in. -
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
Each and every reply here sounds like we in church and people are giving testimonies, but it's no surprise your a miracle to us most of us would have never found an artist we can relate to whose lyrics and sound are so heartfelt like yours. Your art is magical and I'm happy to have experienced it in this life. I'm patiently waiting for people to see more of what a prodigy like you will put out️ cause you really are timeless
I haven’t had social media on my phone for over 6 years. I’ve missed out on interaction and times and tour memories yall held dear. I wanna re connect and hear about times on tour or moments listening to albums for the first time, people you’ve met. What ever here.
Like I said this forum is sort like social media for me. The emails and here is where yall will get everything first.
@User12261990 Your music has been huge for me, both in my own musical journey and in connecting and growing with my family and myself. My sister is a massive fan and she got me into you around the release of The Human Condition, and the musical artistry and heartfelt nature of it all hit me so deep. Songs like I, Robot and The Good in Me got me through painful breakups. On top of being a genius level album reprise with insanely inspiring layering and dramatic tension, the Hand of God reminded me to always look skyward when things get too tough. Then finding your work bridge over into EDM with Illenium and Zedd fully sent me, as I'm a bass music producer and enthusiast at heart.
If you ever see this Jon, just know that I dream to be as musically gifted and inspiring as you, and I will work to show you and the rest of this forum that I have something worth showing the world. Thank you for helping me be a Kid Again.
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