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Will there be a behind the scenes documentary for this album?
Would you ever consider coming to Hawaii? If not, I hope you have west coast shows so it won't cost an arm and a leg to finally see you live after wanting to as an 11 year old (11 years ago).
I could only dream of creating something like this! How did this beautiful creation come to life?
Welcome back Jon!!
How much do you know about the rising artist Livingston? He’s cited your work as one of his biggest inspirations, how likely would it be to see the two of you collab later down the line?
What ever happened to the jbgsp website “now loading” from the merch tags? Just curious!
Discovered your music somewhere around 2011/2012 when I was in college, love being on this ride with you as your style and music evolves. Respect your wild talent and especially your outlook on life!
This might be a totally random question, but in the song paper planes on the TTS album - is the noise in the background a loon bird? I do bird identification and since its my favorite song that part is beautiful!
I love this, I love that you found a way to interact with your fans in a healthy manner, so you're not glued to your phone or computer at the whims of a machine. I also love that we have a chance to interact in a far more human way than with any other artist
What do you think is the best way to get music into the open without succumbing to these BS Tiktok and insta ads? I did a few at first for my last 2 records, but it just all feels so disgusting and desperate. I love what you are doing here, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of following since I'm still very new on the scene, so I feel kinda lost when it comes to advertising.
"You're whole life's in the Hand of God"
BM Forever
How easy or not do you find it to incorporate God into your music in such a secular world? It’s my favorite part of your genius.
Told myself I’m keeping my faith. If it costs me my reputation then take it; I give it all away.
This is the illest shit I’ve ever witnessed in my life.
Jesus was instrumental…In blessing my mental. Every time I drove a car coulda twisted the metal