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Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
It’s Sunday afternoon - there’s no work responsibilities, all the chores are done, there’s nothing on the social calendar, it’s pure no strings attached free time - what’re you doing?
Met some of the most amazing people through you Jon and your music!! I'm sooo happy to be here and supporting your journey and your new project🫶
@User12261990 Can you do an official release of Sirens? I’m seriously so in love with that song and the thought you put into writing it. My wife and I would die (in a good way) if you did that
SO SO THANKFUL to have you back in the game -- And this forum is nothing less than any of us ever expected! Thank you for doing this!
I literally could sob to know that you're here and finding your "KID" again!
God is so good!!! -
this is literally the coolest thing an artist could ever do for their fans.. a safe space where we all can connect? incredible, high five, hooray
this is literally the coolest thing an artist could ever do for their fans.. a safe space where we all can connect? incredible, high five, hooray
Hey Jon!! This forum is so cool and I just want to say thank you so much for sharing your music with the world. You honestly are my number one inspiration and the reason that I’m pursuing music as a career myself. it would be a dream to one day work with you - So hyped for the new album and can’t wait to hopefully see you at a live show in the future!!
@User12261990 What parts of Iceland did you go to and were you able to see the Northern Lights? My mom was there around the same time and I heard they were pretty visible in certain areas!
@CrossEyedWhale the day we got there they said the day BEFORE was the best of all time. I was depressed bout it
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
Hey man I can’t thank you enough for what your music has meant to me for the last decade and a half you’ve helped me with get through so much and I’m so grateful!
I was wondering how long you’ve been working on the idea for this album and what’s your most excited by about it?
Much love brother -
Grammy museum reschedule? I was so excited to go I was bringing the whole family too. I respect postponing it (the music has to be right) but hoping you were still planning on doing that again
I missed you, Jon! Dearly... It's crazy - when I found you and your music back in 2016 I was still single, a naive boy. Now I'm a naive married boy and a father of two. Can't wait to hear more. I want to feel the same feeling again. God Bless you!!
Man I'm so damn excited your creating for you again. I've been getting my fix any way necessary by listening to your demos haha. Is fatherhood everything you hoped it be? Peace be with you brother!
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
@User12261990 honestly so insanely proud of you and all you have been doing. You deserve nothing but the best Jon... From the "college" that shall not be named to now. Can't wait for this next era!
Mr. Bellion I respect your decision to maybe not wanting to tour or have a massive tour. But if you do Chicago misses you!!!
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
@User12261990 jon what is your favorite fast food place
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
@User12261990 ok I gotta know, what’s the story with Wolverine by Goghi? Found that randomly on Spotify, me and my friend love the song to this day but we were CONVINCED (and sure enough seem to be right) the backing vocals were you… would know that “ey ya” anywhere
i’m here to tell you… that the Seuss…is loose!
On the GSP tour, there was a vision for a game/world with GSP. Did that just go under or is there still a vision for something like that one day.
@User12261990 - what’s your favorite color? And why? I love the color blue bc it’s calming and reminds me of the ocean.