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Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
@User12261990 will we get any behind the scenes in the new era? I loved the behind the scene videos as someone who isn’t musically inclined.
@Sebastian man my vocal presets are who ever is running the rig at the point. I got the same 2-3 guys I trust. Stefan Johnson, Pete Nappi, and John Arbuckle. If they recording me I don’t ask questions. I only direct once the sonics are most realized how it should sit inside that specific song. It’s always case by case.!
This is so insane! To think back when I first heard your music in 2016, to knowing you’re back creating up insane pieces again is the most amazing feeling. I’ve never grooved and felt so alive with music more than yours. I’ve watched your live concert a few years back, and every time I’m asked about my fave concert, I always come back to yours with how personal and well put together it was… that being said, if you do shows in the future, would you consider coming to Canada? Love u Jon
@nellenamarie love the love! This new stuff goana amp you up
@User12261990 Hey Jon! I hope you’re doing well. Do you have a favourite moment when creating this new album? I know you can’t tell us much yet, but do you have a favourite track in mind
@eomairi I traveled nations for the features on the record. Recording my hero for a feature was the pinnacle for me.
Any plans on doing another virtual concert? I seriously had a blast and if I’m honest, your Cove City version of Simple and Sweet is my all time fav
@Queenmikaykay I’m thinking a virtual writing class or something might be fun
@User12261990 do you still talk to any of the faze guys, and when will you reconnect with them privately and publicly, if at all?
also i love you bro i hope you’re reading this, god bless you and your loved ones.
@saucefather love those guys they helped me a ton and were always kind
@User12261990 My first concert ever with my future wife was the Mohegan Sun show on August 8th 2019. We had tickets already and some kid was trying to sell front row seats outside the venue in the casino… I was like bro absolutely! How much???
He was like if you actually like the music go ahead and take them no charge. I said fine but, bro you’re coming with us. The three of us went and partied all night hahahaha and he’s still a good friend to this day. Actually coming to our wedding in June.
Pumped for the new shit! My girl wanted to invite you to the wedding
@jaredcesare love this story hahahaha
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
Thank you for using the creation God blessed you with and giving it to the world
@RezRitz be present. And be ready to help your wife. Baby won’t want you at the start they need momma haha
@User12261990 PLEASE explain your experience with the prank interview with Wordsplayed, some of the funniest shit I've seen
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
@User12261990 My GOODNESS, this forum is giving me hard core nostalgia for all the forums I belonged to back in the before times. Back when the internet was still cool. Thanks for bringing us back JB!
P.S. I can't tell you the joy I felt when Kid Again was rolled out - I feel like so many of us in the world have been struggling with darkness for years now - 6 to be precise, it wasn't just you! But over the last year, I have felt the light returning. A revival. And I'm here for it!
// made myself homesick just staring at the stars //
Your music has done so much for everyone here. What’s the most meaningful way for us to show our love? (Aside from getting addicted to snake again)
Can we maybe possibly expect some rapping on any of these tracks?
The island is long but life is short in this town
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
What’s the limits on creating our own merch and sharing merch ideas as fans? I have so many ideas but don’t wanna step on any toes and still wanna show my full support for JB and BM
Designing this forum is also a way for me to be able to interact with you guys but at a pace that’s healthy for me. (Plus all the data is ours no algorithmic BS)
I ain’t doing no TikTok dances to push the music lmao we already have a community bigger than most artists.
Yall deserve a space different than the usual rat race BS.
I’m goana take time each week to sit and answer some questions. Let them fly here.
@User12261990 so much love to you, my fiance and I got together and I showed him your music, fans for life safe to say (you're obviously invited to the wedding, October 3rd 2026)