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This is one of the most creative ways I’ve seen an artist interact with their fans. Props. Plus the retro feel? Too nice. Hope you post up in Chicago at some point. Underground is crazy here. When I was in Brooklyn last I rode the LIRR to feel Adult Swim on a deeper level. Quality music is hard to find, puts you in a different place when you finally catch it. Can’t wait for this project.
What are some influences you’re pulling in for the new record? Also, thanks for setting this up. Such a refreshing way to digest music / content
Just wanted to take a second to thank you for your constant dedication to the craft. Your work ethic has constantly been an inspiration and has always shown through the art. Been a fan for about 10 years now and seeing this come back roll out and feels like it lit a fire under me to get working again as a producer and songwriter too. What kept you motivated to keep working even when you might've felt completely drained of it all?
How do you feel about potentially performing some of the music that you worked on with/for other artists?
Derrian W. Berry
Cannot wait for more music - missed your last show in london but told myself I would come to the next one, wherever that is!
Can’t wait to see all of this roll out, this is such a sick idea. Hopefully be able to see you live again too! I still think the glasgow show for gsp was one of my favourite shows of all time!
How are you handling Kanye's recent fall from grace? I know he is one of your biggest inspirations, as he is also one of mine, so seeing him stumble further from himself and into hate has been rough for me personally, so I was curious how you're handling it, Jon
Any ideas to do any shows on LI again? I still think about Jones Beach an unhealthy amount
What kinda church do you go to? Any family devotions with the Mrs?
This message is from Ed
This message is to YOU, you, beautiful, cultured king, you. :)
https://www.youtube.com/@KingsCultural -
i've got ton of respect for you going old school with the forum. is there a reason behind the aesthetic of the forum? does it relate to the themes of the new music?