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Tour Stop Wishlist ✨
Who would travel for a show?
@User12261990 mr bellion I would fly to any state in the US to see you again... and thats on God...
"I’m not perfect, but I’m worth it." (灬º‿º灬)♡
Who would travel for a show?
@User12261990 the real question is, who wouldn’t?
The form we filled out on this site before the forum went live asked for our cities. That, new music, and mention of early ticket access makes me think a tour is imminent…
What countries/states/cities do we have here??!
Drop ‘em below, I’m curious.And to Texas/DFW people, HEYY.
*Edit: Love seeing so many people from all over come together on here! Hi everyone!! Jon did say there would probably only be one show this year. But we can still manifest for upcoming years... 2026?? Haha
Milwaukee, Twin Cities, Chicago
“gorilla dad dawg spirit”
I’ve got a park that runs a 3 day country concert and I want to do the same with Jon and some other artist! It’s in Ohio!