What do you think? This was my first tattoo about a year and a half ago. Beautiful message in this artwork
Damn your tattoo artist KILLED it!
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return <3
ohmygod yeah I need
The island is long but life is short in this town
Yes agree with that the artist slamming it out of the part, always loved his kid avatar, got a picture of young him now him and old him at a table arguing from the growth collection box, I want the characters in a damn game loool
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby
I'm speechless... this is stunning!
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
What do you think? This was my first tattoo about a year and a half ago. Beautiful message in this artwork
@keegangough Wow, how people have the talent to not only draw this, but draw this onto somebody is insane to me. Super well done!!
JB Enjoyer since 2017
Cause I had a fire, passion and desire
Now all I require are circuits and wires
Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion
Then you cut me open... -