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- Mexicooo
Hey Jon, @User12261990 While you’re in Mexico City consider us for the tour pleaseee
I hope you’re having a good stayIt’s a 2.5 hour drive for me
but also considering to fly for a show haha
BM 🇲🇽
Start driving now!!! lol
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
Start driving now!!! lol
@OverwhelmMe hahaha I’m at work
me and my vinyl would die for a drive
BM 🇲🇽
@OverwhelmMe hahaha I’m at work
me and my vinyl would die for a drive
@danr Totally understand! Mexico City is on my list of places to visit I'm in Texas, on the border, so I want to visit the homeland
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
@OverwhelmMe hahaha I’m at work
me and my vinyl would die for a drive
@danr Totally understand! Mexico City is on my list of places to visit I'm in Texas, on the border, so I want to visit the homeland
@OverwhelmMe Mexico City is truly a gem of a place to visit
Please feel free to ask anything and I hope whenever you come you feel welcomed -
@danr work is the only thing that stopped me from going too
I hope he considers us for the tour, and if not count me in for the flight