This is awesome!! I’ve missed Jon. I can’t wait for new music.
Hey. Welcome to the forum. We’re in mixing and mastering now.
@User12261990 made it!!! Let’s goooo
Hey. Welcome to the forum. We’re in mixing and mastering now.
you da bomb . com️
Hey. Welcome to the forum. We’re in mixing and mastering now.
@User12261990 brooooooo let’s goooooo i’m gonna cry…
Hey. Welcome to the forum. We’re in mixing and mastering now.
@User12261990 Hey Jon, I have this instrumental song I produced, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8z9aYRSWo0 the mixing is a little quiet as I am still learning but I'd be honored if you used the melody in your works or gave any feedback, God Bless
Very excited to hear some new music, let's goooooo
Hey. Welcome to the forum. We’re in mixing and mastering now.
Hey. Welcome to the forum. We’re in mixing and mastering now.
@User12261990 helllll yesssss boi im so excited. You are literal king