I love getting a mini sticker of each of the places i visit when I travel. I know a lot of people will be traveling from far away to go to the one big concert this year. It would be really cool if there was a sticker sold that would be that concert specific. Heres a concept i came up with for the Jones Beach Theater (which was the NY concert for the GSP tour). Just an example of what im talking about. As i mentioned in a prior post, im not super proficient in photoshop, and was trying to get the words in the direction of the seats. I also had to condense the photo to smaller file to upload.
It would be amazing if Jon outsourced to all his fans who have these great ideas to design tour merch. That way it has a community feel to it
The person who designed the Live at Cove City poster is also on the forum as well.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP