I just wanted to reminisce a little, on my discovery of Jon and share how his influence impacted me.
I was in 9th grade when I first heard ‘All Time Low’ on the radio in Australia when I was on a family trip in 2016. I was a bit of an outcast in my family, I always felt safe connecting to the music in my environment. This was the first time I heard Jon (or so I thought) directly at least.
The beat and this unique sound resonated with me on a personal level and I couldn’t shake it out of my head. I bought THC album on Apple Music as soon as I could, consuming it all, feeling things and taken on journeys through stories and sound I’ve never experienced so vividly before.
I deep dived and researched as much as I could about you; falling in love with your ‘Making of…’, watching a pure artist poor soul into their craft; researching your discography, finding out I’ve been a fan of the Bellion flair for far longer than I realised; Trumpets (Jason Derulo), The Monster (Eminem+Rhi), and works of Cody Simpson. Every year on Spotify since 2017 you’ve been my no.1, I believe one year I even had around 150,000 minutes, wild.Since that first discovery you have been my favourite artist. The way your passion shines through what you do is so visible, it truly inspired me to deepen my connection with my art and discover ‘what speaks to my soul’ and ‘how do I want to live’. I was saved, truely. I was lost, but I found connection by music and sound to my spirit and the Holy Spirit.
Putting myself out there, in discovery through my passion for art, I auditioned for a school play in 2018 and I got the lead role. For the type of person that I had been many saw this as out of character. As the production developed, more and more I had so much fun that I didn’t even know was possible. And as the production developed droplets of GSP came out through the year, and right before our play was set to be performed GSP fully released. It felt almost as tho your music was guiding me, in a strange way. Wild.
2019 was my senior year (year 12 in Aus) you announced a GSP world tour. I couldn’t put into words how excited I was. The dates you would be in Aus fell to be around Sydney’s end of year exams, and the date you would be Sydney, my home state, was the night at the end of my final exam before I was fully finished with school. The exam was Visual Arts. Wild.
I had some amazing friends who I put on to your music. They knew how much a fan of you I was. They didn’t have an exam that day, so they made sure to be at the front of the line, asking who was around them if it was okay for them to hold a spot for a friend, sharing how much a fan I was.
I finished my exam, rushed home to get ready and had my mum drive me out to the theatre. I joined the line with my friends at the front, we waited eagerly. Finally after being allowed in we found a spot right in front of the stage at the barricade. We had the most magical night, I had the most magical night.
I must have been screaming every lyric that came out of yours, Hakim’s, Travis’ and Mylon’s mouth. Even when no body else knew the words.
I needed that night.6 years later, I’m about to be 23 in April. I’ve been following my heart on the path towards my passion. Guided by music and your work with other artist, feeling as though while you’ve been grinding on your craft I’ve been grinding on mine.
Right after ‘Kid Again’ got released I found out that I got accepted into one of the most notable schools for acting in Australia, how could I not feel like a kid again, like I could do anything, haha. Wild
Just before I had to move across the country this year, away from all I’ve ever known, to study my passion, I had saved up enough to take myself to Japan with some special friends, first time I was truely accountable for myself. The time I had was truely magical, it’s hard to put into words. The spiritual connection I developed with myself and what’s above really spoke to me in my time there.
I’m now in Perth, studying a true passion of mine. I’m putting all of my heart and soul in it, to find growth and develop as an artist as much as I possibly can. And now it seems as tho a new JON BELLION RELEASE IS ON THE WAY!!! The timing of it all. WildIt’s truely wild, idk if I have any other words. I wasn’t raised religious, I was aware and taught about it in school, but Jon I think you’ve guided me on a path to God through music, and I truely cherish that. I think I have a unique connection to music that many people don’t experience. I almost feel as tho I’m guided by music, I connect with it on a deeper level that is really tricky to put into words. It almost tho as I can feel a sense of God’s plan through music. I hope to create more and more music of my own some day, truely let my soul breathe, speak and scream.
To Jon, or to anyone who took the time to read my words, I truely deeply appreciate. I’m grateful to be apart of such a blessed community of beautiful minds so find love and appreciation for each other through Art.
Jon, please Sir
️ if an opportunity arises, I would love to see you make your way to Australia again. I know everyone here would love that very much. I would love that very much
Thank you so much Jon, just for being you and loving what you do. I couldn’t ask for anything more