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About mah's joint
This is gonna be a bit if a rant so bear with me.
When I first heard the GSP album I was blown away by every song, it all just clicked like it should've. But I had this feeling that I never understood what mah's joint was about. This beautiful track with the legendary Quincy Jones and I just didn't get it.
About 5 years later and I usually don't really listen to it anymore, it's on but it's background noise type of stuff which I always thought was kind of strange for my brain to filter it out like that since it's an amazing track.
Then in 2023 my own mom passes away very unexpectedly and I immediately knew that mah's joint was an off limits song. I had like a year of weekly therapy and after that year I thought "I can probably understand it better now."
@User12261990 WTF DID YOU CREATE?
Dude a whole year of therapy later and that shit still tears me apart. It's been another year and I just had the same experience last Saturday, it would've been her 50th birthday so it felt fitting. I'm still shook by what that song makes me feel.Sorry for the huge rant but I had to get it off my chest somewhere.
TLDR: GSP is a 9 track long album for me
I think I'm headed in the right direction
This song really touches my soul. It tries to embrace me with memories but some of those memories still have thorns on them.
I think I'm headed in the right direction
This song really touches my soul. It tries to embrace me with memories but some of those memories still have thorns on them.
This song really touches my soul. It tries to embrace me with memories but some of those memories still have thorns on them.
@notsobasic If u need a friend to talk to I'm here.
This is gonna be a bit if a rant so bear with me.
When I first heard the GSP album I was blown away by every song, it all just clicked like it should've. But I had this feeling that I never understood what mah's joint was about. This beautiful track with the legendary Quincy Jones and I just didn't get it.
About 5 years later and I usually don't really listen to it anymore, it's on but it's background noise type of stuff which I always thought was kind of strange for my brain to filter it out like that since it's an amazing track.
Then in 2023 my own mom passes away very unexpectedly and I immediately knew that mah's joint was an off limits song. I had like a year of weekly therapy and after that year I thought "I can probably understand it better now."
@User12261990 WTF DID YOU CREATE?
Dude a whole year of therapy later and that shit still tears me apart. It's been another year and I just had the same experience last Saturday, it would've been her 50th birthday so it felt fitting. I'm still shook by what that song makes me feel.Sorry for the huge rant but I had to get it off my chest somewhere.
TLDR: GSP is a 9 track long album for me
@notsobasic Really sorry about your mom. Losing anyone is tough. I lost my grandma and grandpa just before the start of the covid pandemic and Mah's Joint really puts a stranglehold on my emotions, the song instantly makes you relive all the sad and happy and peaceful moments you had with someone or certain people. The rush of emotion put in to that song must've been insane btw. I listen to it when I need a push.
peace to you my friend
I know the demons in the room gon say its more than I can chew,
but now all I hear is the dinner bell! -
I am just so so sorry that you know this grief. I lost my mom 6 years ago (and yet it also feels like yesterday). Being in this “club” is shit. I never knew grief this loud. So while we all walk this path differently, I’m so sorry you’re here, but know you’re not alone.
I struggle with listening to Mah’s Joint. I love it… it’s a masterpiece. But it wrecks me. My moms passing was unexpected too; though, she was in a coma for about a week before she passed. I took on this caregiver role while she was in ICU and then even moved home to be near my dad again. So when the song goes “when she meets God, he’ll tell her all about it, when my mother was a mother to her mom,” and “there’s a house she doesn’t know that you take care of,” I am a wreck.
This song hits different when we enter this plane of grief. I don’t mean to hijack your post. It’s an off limits track for me too, unless I’m mentally in a place where I can listen to it.
Im here if you need a friend.
Screw your pops let’s get some IHOP
I am just so so sorry that you know this grief. I lost my mom 6 years ago (and yet it also feels like yesterday). Being in this “club” is shit. I never knew grief this loud. So while we all walk this path differently, I’m so sorry you’re here, but know you’re not alone.
I struggle with listening to Mah’s Joint. I love it… it’s a masterpiece. But it wrecks me. My moms passing was unexpected too; though, she was in a coma for about a week before she passed. I took on this caregiver role while she was in ICU and then even moved home to be near my dad again. So when the song goes “when she meets God, he’ll tell her all about it, when my mother was a mother to her mom,” and “there’s a house she doesn’t know that you take care of,” I am a wreck.
This song hits different when we enter this plane of grief. I don’t mean to hijack your post. It’s an off limits track for me too, unless I’m mentally in a place where I can listen to it.
Im here if you need a friend.
@OverwhelmMe don't worry you're not hijacking this post, I'm really sorry for your loss and. I honestly thought I was being a bit dramatic when writing this so I'm glad (?) that I'm not alone in this. It's crazy how different a song can feel after a certain experience. Hope you and your family are doing well now 🩵
I think I'm headed in the right direction
I'm sorry you had to live and go through such trauma and it's really difficult to bear...
But I hope you can listen to this song one day and smile at the beautiful life your mum led. -
This is gonna be a bit if a rant so bear with me.
When I first heard the GSP album I was blown away by every song, it all just clicked like it should've. But I had this feeling that I never understood what mah's joint was about. This beautiful track with the legendary Quincy Jones and I just didn't get it.
About 5 years later and I usually don't really listen to it anymore, it's on but it's background noise type of stuff which I always thought was kind of strange for my brain to filter it out like that since it's an amazing track.
Then in 2023 my own mom passes away very unexpectedly and I immediately knew that mah's joint was an off limits song. I had like a year of weekly therapy and after that year I thought "I can probably understand it better now."
@User12261990 WTF DID YOU CREATE?
Dude a whole year of therapy later and that shit still tears me apart. It's been another year and I just had the same experience last Saturday, it would've been her 50th birthday so it felt fitting. I'm still shook by what that song makes me feel.Sorry for the huge rant but I had to get it off my chest somewhere.
TLDR: GSP is a 9 track long album for me
@notsobasic I'm so sorry for your loss, mate. I can't ever begin to process the pain of losing a mother, I hope you're doing ok!
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
This is gonna be a bit if a rant so bear with me.
When I first heard the GSP album I was blown away by every song, it all just clicked like it should've. But I had this feeling that I never understood what mah's joint was about. This beautiful track with the legendary Quincy Jones and I just didn't get it.
About 5 years later and I usually don't really listen to it anymore, it's on but it's background noise type of stuff which I always thought was kind of strange for my brain to filter it out like that since it's an amazing track.
Then in 2023 my own mom passes away very unexpectedly and I immediately knew that mah's joint was an off limits song. I had like a year of weekly therapy and after that year I thought "I can probably understand it better now."
@User12261990 WTF DID YOU CREATE?
Dude a whole year of therapy later and that shit still tears me apart. It's been another year and I just had the same experience last Saturday, it would've been her 50th birthday so it felt fitting. I'm still shook by what that song makes me feel.Sorry for the huge rant but I had to get it off my chest somewhere.
TLDR: GSP is a 9 track long album for me
@notsobasic My grandpa passed away from dementia years ago and one of my closest friends (the one who originally showed me JB) his dad passed away from the same thing. This song has always resonated with us. I could write forever about this song! Here’s my own thoughts on it; the beginning is somber. Seems sad when you hear the lines he’s saying. It paints a picture of what it’s like when someone in your family goes through this. “There’s a point in making memories because they’ll be even better when we’re heavenly” hits extremely hard. While I think the first part of the song is somber and sad, the ending has the exact opposite feeling. It turns into CELEBRATING mothers, and anybody else who’s affected by this disease. At the end, when all the cords are suspended and every person starts playing. It’s a celebration of all the things they were before they were sick. To me, it’s al says been an unbelievably powerful song that I think more people could listen to and appreciate. I could go on forever and ever because this song is so important!