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"Looking For A Place To Land"
I'm really sorry for repeting myself here but we got an answer about Break These Walls and I thought maybe we could have one for this too. Jon, on 2010 you went on radios to promote a mixtape called Looking For A Place To Land, right? It featured songs like Running Like Animals, Winter Time, Bad for my Health, and many more. From all the 13 songs of the mixtape, we only found 5 of them. Do you still have the whole mixtape on an old hard drive or something like it? If you do, could you share it with us, pretty please?
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
This is some next level shit man haha, I had no idea this stuff existed! Sounds pre-Scattered Thoughts too, so before the pub deal he took and everything. I would love to hear this
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
This is some next level shit man haha, I had no idea this stuff existed! Sounds pre-Scattered Thoughts too, so before the pub deal he took and everything. I would love to hear this
@Isaac yeeeah, man! there's been a total hunt for the missing song for the past like 5 years. The last found was Moped Girl which is absolutely insane. I'm hopping to get some light shed over this topic by him!
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls)