I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
Hundo p on board with that
I guess if I knew tomorrow I guess I wouldn't need faith
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 I would be willing to make that sacrifice!
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 Would it just be local uploaded files to the forum or directly emailed?
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 Man that would be hype, make it real word of mouth type shit. Like opening day of Star Wars in 1977, just spreading the word and letting culture take hold of it in any way that it wants to. It would for sure make it feel special to us who are on this platform, and just kind of champion us to be the campaigners/street team for you, unofficially of course haha. I would love that
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
So you just wanna make our heads explode, Suicide Squad style
I'm sure you won't get any complaints from us bambino, We'll wait and we'll follow whatever you sayyy
🇨🇴 Viva Colombia carajooo 🇨🇴
@User12261990 Do you. There is no right or wrong in this situation. Trust yourself, and do what feels right, right now. This is just one of your drops, there will be others, if you want there to be others.
@User12261990 Yes Please! Would love to be able to sing along when the official release happens
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 not a bad idea considering you have serious followers already committed to spreading the word who would volunteer via forum and email to hype the release. Probably wouldn’t lose any numbers on sales either since die hard fans are going to purchase the album and/or tour tickets even if they get the music ahead of time. I don’t see many down sides, just takes some faith in the fanbase to commit to it!
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 would make me feel at least twice as special as im already feeling. Never on my life i'd thought we would get this kinda of interaction with you and the fact that you actually realize how important you are to us and vice-versa, creates a very caring atmosphere of just pure love and passion for the music, which is what really matters on my opinion (since you're already consolidated). Would be a very "yeah, it was DEF worth the wait" momment! (as it already is)
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
@User12261990 DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
I’m like what if I told yall the entire roll out for each single and delivered everything early so we can take the K-POP approach and yall championed stuff on the official release with y’all getting everything early. Spit balling here. Like just completely abandon release day numbers because real fans in forum and email get everything early.
dude whatever you do i’m listening to it on loop for the next month. RUN IT!