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can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 Semisonic reference with the sonic, oasis, and wonderwall nod on IG? Love a good throwback
Can’t wait to listen- probably a stunning mix of old and new.
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 is there anything about your approach to production/orchestration for this album that feels different compared to past efforts?
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 So we going Full OASIS on this one Jon im getting that Wonderwall feels heh
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 I’m a certified lurker on here, but MAN am I stoked for this
Mr. Bellion your power level is amazing!!!
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 It makes me so happy to hear this from an artist’s “mouth.” This is the art/artist/receiver connection I dream of in music
Keep one foot in the future and the other in your living room
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 Man, I can't wait to experience the new record and dive into it with you and this community
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 So Excited!! I cannot wait!
I feel hyped really can't wait
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 YES! We are so happy to have new music on the horizon, and cannot wait to dive in with questions n the journey and how you developed your new sound
you and your approach to vocals has always intrigued me the techno vocoded vocals on crop circles and so many others is so imogen heap coded i would love to see a deep dive into the engineering behind that kinda stuff
LISTEN TO MY NEW ALBUM "burning daylight" BY N I K O
you and your approach to vocals has always intrigued me the techno vocoded vocals on crop circles and so many others is so imogen heap coded i would love to see a deep dive into the engineering behind that kinda stuff
@MusikByNiko it’s a lack luster answer, but there are so many plugins and options and things that I usually wait to see what the person recording me interprets my explanation of what I could hear my vocal sounding like for that specific song. Like I’ll explain things in a non specific non hyper detailed way using descriptive words like “I want this to feel doubled and flanged but still watery” and see what they come up with and tweak from there. Cuz A. I might hear something I like that I didn’t think of that they interpreted my description as, or B have a good starting point to tweak from. Every song is different.
@User12261990 I’m a certified lurker on here, but MAN am I stoked for this
can’t wait to talk Sonics of the new one on here. Lyric approach all that.
@User12261990 I'm gonna consider Wonderwall as Break These Walls pt ii so I can rest in peace, Jon
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
@User12261990 is there anything about your approach to production/orchestration for this album that feels different compared to past efforts?
@magnoliawhites everything is a bit more stand on business this time around. Meaning I’m full stomach chest voicing most of this record which I’ve never done before. I wanted vocal performances I couldn’t hide behind production and layering with. Sonically the songs have less SOUNDS that I used to pack in but somehow they sound way bigger. I think that comes with taste and time. To me at least everything feels more streamlined less frills. Never considered myself a singer but almost pretended to be one so hard this time around it transformed how I approached the records and sang on them. I also let the monkey come out of me a bit more on this record. It’s all gorilla dad dawg spirit. It’s not a vibe album, I’m making a point and saying things in a way that forces one to form a thought about it. It’s not necessarily an open interpretation vibe don’t try too hard thing. Whole record sounds like someone going for it. Believing something.
@User12261990 Semisonic reference with the sonic, oasis, and wonderwall nod on IG? Love a good throwback
Can’t wait to listen- probably a stunning mix of old and new.
@tashhess so cliche but that’s exactly it. I heard someone call early hip hop UNC shit like they was shittting on it and it was old and tired so it jokingly ended up inspiring the sonic of the album to pay homage to classic drum breaks and integral chunks of samples and song feels then challenging myself to honor them properly by finding ways to laser shoot it all into the future. Nothing sounds old because everything can be something else always. The old and tired claims live in the same references to FATHERS sometimes and that sparked a ton of the energy and aggression behind the points I’m making about FATHERS on this album. Get off my lawn type shit but I’m also a more forward thinker than the idiot on my lawn. Somehow that’s the album.
@JOEPIO some of these songs were on a boom mic directly into the computer hahhahahahaha
@tashhess so cliche but that’s exactly it. I heard someone call early hip hop UNC shit like they was shittting on it and it was old and tired so it jokingly ended up inspiring the sonic of the album to pay homage to classic drum breaks and integral chunks of samples and song feels then challenging myself to honor them properly by finding ways to laser shoot it all into the future. Nothing sounds old because everything can be something else always. The old and tired claims live in the same references to FATHERS sometimes and that sparked a ton of the energy and aggression behind the points I’m making about FATHERS on this album. Get off my lawn type shit but I’m also a more forward thinker than the idiot on my lawn. Somehow that’s the album.
@User12261990 so stoked. Grew up listening to a blend of everything- the Pretenders, Elton John, Fleetwood, Journey, Blink, gospel and worship, 80s rock- you name it. My parents loved music and they passed that on. The future that isn’t rooted in tradition becomes anchor-less. Doesn’t mean we don’t work hard to refine the shortcomings and heal that generational trauma but we can’t just throw it all out and act like it doesn’t matter. And I love this focus on fathers- something my husband and I explore a lot as we navigate our roles as parents, individually and as a team. Can’t wait to hear that articulated musically and lyrically. And I’m sure you have a fresh perspective having kids. They re-invigorated my creativity because theirs is limitless.
Can you shed some light on some of your biggest hip hop influences? hip hop/rap has always been my most favorite genre, some of my favorite songs of yours are let’s begin and adult swim for that reason. love lyrical intricacies over a crazy beat. would love to hear some of your biggest inspirations on that front.. @User12261990
I'm so excited based on the lil bits you've dropped
I really hope that your approach to instrumentation and relating to every song, Which you've had in your albums, AND the albums you've worked on, Stays true for this one. The funk, The swing, The pep in the step kinda loops have been amazing to me. I listen to worship almost every day lol. I'm ready to bop my head like you did for tangled webs nonstop
🇨🇴 Viva Colombia carajooo 🇨🇴