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Scattered Thoughts Vol. 1
Who here listened way back when Jon was sending his mixtape to anyone who asked on FB? The moment Right Direction came on for the first time that was it. My life was changed forever. It was and still is unlike any other artist trying to do their thing.
people been knowing about scattered thoughts for that long?
i think i’ve been living under a rock. discovered it a year ago
. my fav is Make Love (the whole tape really) how about you?
@cmoneyy I remember covering MakeLove back in like 2012. I still sing that song like daily. "we can sip until its safe outside" My favorite is probably MakeLove or SomethingToRelaxTo.
I’m afraid I was about 7 years old around that time, so unfortunately not. But that’s pretty cool!
@Isaac hahaha that's fair! way to make me feel old
Dude I wish I was online like that back then, the scattered thought mixtape is so sick especially considering it's the first music he released.
I think I'm headed in the right direction
Dude I wish I was online like that back then, the scattered thought mixtape is so sick especially considering it's the first music he released.
@notsobasic Love your tag ! one of my favorite songs of him is still Right Direction