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- Cautionary Tales...that fire baseline...
Cautionary Tales...that fire baseline...
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
Every time I listen to Cautionary Tales, I cannot get over that sick baseline under the chorus. "Big reign, the sixth, the seven, hey hey, the King, the Legend" gets my head bopping every time. It's maybe my favorite baseline ever.
What are your favorite individual elements - could be a guitar riff, or a sample, or a drum beat, whatever - from a JB song??
// made myself homesick just staring at the stars //
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
One of my favorites is oddly enough the awkward long silence in an immigrant. I never really heard anyone talk about how fun it is to expect a drop and right when you think "tf is going on?" It drops and it goes so hard
I think I'm headed in the right direction
Every time I listen to Cautionary Tales, I cannot get over that sick baseline under the chorus. "Big reign, the sixth, the seven, hey hey, the King, the Legend" gets my head bopping every time. It's maybe my favorite baseline ever.
What are your favorite individual elements - could be a guitar riff, or a sample, or a drum beat, whatever - from a JB song??
wrote 8 days ago last edited by@AmyMarie the end instrumental progression for Luxury with Audra
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
There’s lots but two that stand out are the bass line in Eyes to the Sky, the “hughh” at the beginning of the chorus of All Time Low , and the “in case you fickin forgot” vocal chop in Crop Circles
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
That switch up after “But if things get complicateddddd” in simple and sweet is one of my favs.
Your whole life’s in the hand of God.
That switch up after “But if things get complicateddddd” in simple and sweet is one of my favs.
wrote 8 days ago last edited by AmyMarie 8 days ago@Atoz YESSSSSSSSSSS
// made myself homesick just staring at the stars //
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
'God played a song' through to 'But they talk about his verses in the night sometimes' has been stuck in my head since Kid Again was stolen from us.
Tell 'em money is not the key to wealth
Cause if it can't stop the pain
How the fuck did you explain the bunch of millionaires that killed themselves? -
wrote 8 days ago last edited by
I love that little bit at the end of the riff that's looped throughout Cautionary Tales, the "bada boo biii boo" (if that makes sense), and that whole final breakdown at the end of Couples Retreat
wrote 8 days ago last edited by