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Underrated JB Podcast
This has 11,000… ONLY ELEVEN THOUSAND, views on YouTube! Called “And The Writer Is…”, this episode takes place post-GSP release!
I legitimately thought the only things Jon did for GSP interview-wise were the Genius interview and the NZ magazine in depth interview! This is a gem
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
DUUUDE how did I not know about this? Yt should know I'm a huge fan at this point lmao
I think I'm headed in the right direction
I'm disappointed in my yt's algo
This has 11,000… ONLY ELEVEN THOUSAND, views on YouTube! Called “And The Writer Is…”, this episode takes place post-GSP release!
I legitimately thought the only things Jon did for GSP interview-wise were the Genius interview and the NZ magazine in depth interview! This is a gem
I'm a big fan of this podcast, Just haven't listened in a bit.. But the host is able to be comfortable because of his experience, And really gets good conversation out of his guests
When Jon said he was running away from catering, I was doing valet parking and toootally got him
🇨🇴 Viva Colombia carajooo 🇨🇴