I need Travis's sweet, buttery vocals on this next album again!!! It doesn't feel like a JB album if there's not at least one song with him. Can we get some sort of signal he's gonna be featured? Please?
I just like that you called his vocals sweet and buttery. That could be Trav's next album drop. "Sweet & Buttery".
The fashion of Jimi Hendrix and a box of the Bible's doctrine
nobody on here has ever been featured before, so prob not but man I'm wondering how exclusive that is, like we getting a Batiste or Kelly potentially..??? my hope is for a Forrest Frank haha, but man with the names we got so far of Pharell and Luke Combs, these are gonna be some BIG names, gon draw some eyes to Jon and the public aint gon be able to deny this God gifted production, unless of course they deny God sadly...
Boy Mystic raised from the Wilkins baby