I know we are all excited for the news and can’t what to hear it but, there can’t be riots in the forms we have to keep the streets clean. Now to get into what we are all waiting for @User12261990 don’t worry I’ll tell them.
Ladies and gentlemen here it is……
The new record on snake for me is now 21. No longer 19 now I know your excited to get out there and share the news and sing the praises of my snake ability but we must be safe while doing it walk don’t run. Let’s get out there and have a great Friday. Good Morning Everyone
-Beautiful MindL-I-F-E
Wdym riots on the forum
beautiful mind
People stayed up thinking he was going to drop at 12 last night and there’s no update so people are just posting about it I figured I’d lighten the mood a bit.
The term Riots was just a exaggeration.-Chill Guy
Looks like I’m taking my “no album” frustration out on you lol.
High Score in Snake: 68
mic drop
Bro had me in the first half lol
Ben L. Clark
Had me in the first half no lie
beautiful mind