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Kid Again
Sometimes I be singing Kid Again in my car and often I have to stop myself because I get a burst of emotion and I just want to cry from how much I relate to the song. Am I the only one orrrrr
Sometimes I be singing Kid Again in my car and often I have to stop myself because I get a burst of emotion and I just want to cry from how much I relate to the song. Am I the only one orrrrr
@Phone_Goblin I played it just an hour ago when I was in the bathroom for my shower and almost started screaming
Although I guess if I knew tomorrow
I guess I wouldn't need faith
I guess if I never fell, I guess I wouldn't need grace
I guess if I knew His plans, I guess He wouldn't be God, God, God -
No for real
Kid Again released at the exact moment big change started happening in my life. I felt imprisoned in a situation the years before that was taking a toll on me and suddenly I was free. The song could NOT have dropped at a better time lmaoooo
ā It was never enough ā
ā He just needed saving from himself ā