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New songs on Jon's BMI Repertoire
BMI is a song registering/publishing tool that enables artists to properly register they work as writters, producers, performers, etc. Every now and then I scroll throught Jon's Repertoire just in case something new pops, that's how we found out about Break These Walls btw. Didn't find nothing crazy but there are somethings that might be interesting to share with yall. First of all, "Paper" (I assume to be that "You're looking like my savior" record) has been registered and aparently it was a collab between Jon and Scott Harris. Another song was registered under Jon's and Scott's publishing ID's called "Pieces Wires Springs". We can't be for sure whose song it actually is since there are no performers registered. Last but not least, we have this song called "Everybody Bleeds" that was written/composed by Tori Kelly, Jon, Clyde, Jordan Cohen and Michael Pollack. I assume these are all like, at least post 2021, I'd say 2023-present maybe due to the writters registered and the fact that these songs are not attributed to the "Songs of a Beautiful Mind" Publishing group, which is the old beautiful mind publishing affiliation. This could mean absolutely nothing but i figured it'd be nice to share with yall to hear the theories.
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
we must let NOTHING go undetected
ps: i added the Break These Walls print file just to remember ya'll how happy we could've been if Jon'd have released it... BUT HE STILL CAN LEAK IT UNOFFICIALY, @User12261990 CAN WE EXPECT IT TO HAPPPEN?
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
@Isaac yessir, there are a lot of old songs there that we never got a glimpse of it
beautiful mind, you already know
still trying to find out what happened to Looking For A Place To Land and Michigan Sky (also trying to convince Jon to leak Break These Walls) -
Yes these all look old to me! I saw them quite a few months back! Also Scott Harris is a beast of a songwriter too so this is sick
The island is long but life is short in this town