As a lot of us know, @User12261990 is a fan of Kingdom Hearts. Confirmed by himself in an Instagram post where he was showing off his amazing hand tattoo.
Now I'm a mega Kingdom Hearts fan myself, and I can't help but hope/wish/desire that the G.O.A.T. himself (@User12261990) has a collab with Hikaru Utada for the theme song of Kingdom Hearts 4!!!
Kingdom Hearts 3 randomly had Skrillex, who is a massive fan as well. It would be one step closer for Jon to have his dream of working with Pixar come true and would be an amazing opening to the new arc coming to the games.
@User12261990 if you see this let me know what you think and how we can help you get this to happen!!!!
Told myself I'm keeping my faith, if it costs me my reputation, then take it; I'll give it all away
@User12261990 bump cause he wasn't online the whole week after I posted this
Told myself I'm keeping my faith, if it costs me my reputation, then take it; I'll give it all away