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Testing the word count and giving you your flowers
Just my early AM thoughts because your music @User12261990 always seems to find me at the right time. Had a lot of close losses that have, in their own way, made me rethink a lot of what I thought I wanted out of life. I went to school for music business and then for film, all while working at a church that slowly drained me. While the people were fairly nice, the growth for me isn’t there and the willingness to allow me to use and expand my skills (I realize now) never existed and it has been disheartening. You said something in your Janko interview that stuck with me about giving everything up to God and I’ve found myself doing that more often, which funnily enough opened a few doors that I wasn’t expecting.
I appreciate you so much for living in your truth and not being afraid to let the chips fall where they should. People are gonna take things you say or do out of context, but as someone who genuinely feels your heart in the music you create, I will always cherish it and give you your flowers unapologetically. Finding a purpose in life isn’t an easy task, but I’m almost 1000% positive that yours is making music. Even if we don’t hear all 5000+ songs you likely have lol, you’ve always gotta make music because you do it so intentionally and delicately. It’s truly your gift.
I was way too shy to give you a letter I wrote back when you came to Nashville in 2019, so maybe next go around I’ll actually do it lol
“you will have to fight a battle more than once to win it”
Awww omg. This is amazing.
beautiful mind
Awww omg. This is amazing.
@GabbyW0205 I’m sure we all feel this way
but writing has always been the thing I’m good at when it comes to expressing myself. Talking not so much haha
“you will have to fight a battle more than once to win it”
@GabbyW0205 I’m sure we all feel this way
but writing has always been the thing I’m good at when it comes to expressing myself. Talking not so much haha
@thelizbot97 i absolutely feel you. i hate talking but i could write all day. i definitely feel the same way about him and his music keep writing bro and post it more
beautiful mind