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Weekly check innn
Hope everyone is having a great weeeeek 🤍 hopefully we'll get some news soon!!!!
I’m betting this Friday, something is telling me Jon is gearing up for something, and very soon
@Amariez10585 hopefully
@elizabethmoravek hey Elizabeth does Jon have two kids or three? Last I knew he had 2.
@elizabethmoravek hey Elizabeth does Jon have two kids or three? Last I knew he had 2.
@Amariez10585 he has three sons that I'm aware of
@Amariez10585 he has three sons that I'm aware of
@elizabethmoravek wow I wasn’t sure if he had 3. Bc I wasn’t sure if that pic was old or new
@elizabethmoravek wow I wasn’t sure if he had 3. Bc I wasn’t sure if that pic was old or new
@elizabethmoravek wow I wasn’t sure if he had 3. Bc I wasn’t sure if that pic was old or new
@Amariez10585 most likely older pic
@Amariez10585 most likely older pic
@elizabethmoravek i wonder if they are all older pictures he’s just kept over the years. i love the ones with his wife, happy to see her so often on there
beautiful mind
Praying for this friday like everybody else haha, can't wait!!
JB Enjoyer since 2017
Cause I had a fire, passion and desire
Now all I require are circuits and wires
Inside was an ocean of soul and emotion
Then you cut me open...