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Jon's Version of Tori Songs
Similar to his demos for Graveyard or Waffle House, I'd love to hear if he made reference tracks/demos for any of the songs off of TORI. Now obviously he has that "HOLY CRAP IM LEVITATING" moment in Thing U Do and is featured on Young Gun, but I'd love to hear his own version of songs like Thing U Do, Shelter, Shine On, and others
What’s an Italian pharaoh… born from a stallion’s marrow…
Yea I still think he would have been better off keeping that song “That thing u do” for himself to sing. The beats in that song are incredible.
@Amariez10585 actually i think “thing you do” suits Tori Kelly a lot. You know Jon putting his all into a song for someone else and is peak song writer, manager vibe.
@Microgeek agreed, I could see it with his voice, but I def think it suits her more/fits her vibe more
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