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Last track of the album
Dude!!! If it’s like hand of god ima flip. I loveeeee all the songs coming into one
beautiful mind
Dude!!! If it’s like hand of god ima flip. I loveeeee all the songs coming into one
@GabbyW0205 I agree I about cried when I first listened to Hand of God
@manehrdz25 I did!!
@GabbyW0205 Awe I'm not much of crier but mahs joint did make me cry, hit very close to home
Dude!!! If it’s like hand of god ima flip. I loveeeee all the songs coming into one
@GabbyW0205 I loved AJR's Overture from The Click too, where they did the same thing, but they put it at the beginning of the album.
Anyone else hoping that the new album will have a finale like Mah's Joint? I REALLY loved the grandness of that song. Hand of God too, my top 1s of their respective albums.