I took my now wife to a show of johns in Cleveland for the GSP tour… before the show started a nice older man asked us who we were there to see and we were like .. well Jon… obviously how about you? And he said oh I’m here to see Lawrence! They’re the best band I’ve seen in 30 years (we were like you think that was their dad? Hahah) and were like okay we’re excited to see them let’s go! And boy did I have to go find that older guy after the set because it was incredible haha now my wife and I are almost as big of Lawrence fans as we are Jon and have seen them 4 times since then! Greta memories I have from that show and can’t wait to make more when this new music drops!
What phenomenal performers Lawrence are! It's always a cool moment when you get great opening acts that make you want to look them up and listen after the show.